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Free music notation & composition software; Freeware download. Music ♪ Curriculum | Little Kids Rock Teacher Hang. Online Music Notation Software. Arcade Game Generator. Arcade Game Generator Input one set of questions and answers, and create a whole batch of interactive, arcade-style games [view examples] Save them for use in the class, embed them in your blog/website/wiki!

IPad versions of "Wordshoot" and "Flashcards" already available - more to follow! STEP 1: QUIZ TITLE a. Type the title of your quiz in the box below. STEP 2: QUESTIONS*ANSWERS b. Input your questions and answers in the box below (or paste from a word processor). c. Separate each question from its answer with an asterisk: question*answer d. What is two plus two? If you would like to direct players to a particular game, specify it here: None: Free choice. Online drum machine. Includes over 400 unique drum samples, spanning electro to real drum kits. Create beats, compose drum tracks and then save the results to WAV sound files for use in other projects or software.

Enjoy! Two Play Buttons? The top play button is for the beat pattern you're working on. The bottom play button is for the overall song. Song Timeline Below the grid is the song timeline, where you can drag and drop the gray "parts" (loops) into the timeline. Remove an item from the timeline by dragging it out of the timeline. Channels There are 8 available channels, which are used to set up drum loops. The browser contains about 400 unique drum samples organized by category. The mini "I" means "isolate", which will essentially mute all other channels. The mini "M" button means "mute". The white-ish knob on the left is for the volume, and on the right is pan.

Drag and drop channels using the slim black edge to the left to re-arrange. Parts (A B C D E F) Drag and drop parts within the timeline to re-arrange. WolframTones: An Experiment in a New Kind of Music. Soundation — Make music online. UJAM – Make your music.