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Unmissable articles on writing. General Journal Prompts - Journal Prompts. A Goldmine of Journal Writing Prompts. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World represent great works of ancient times that embody the best of mythology, religion, art, power, science and beauty.

A Goldmine of Journal Writing Prompts

They are, in chronological order: The Great Pyramid of GizaThe Hanging Gardens of BabylonThe Statue of Zeus at OlympiaThe Temple of Artemis at EphesusThe Mausoleum of Maussollos at HalicarnassusThe Colossus of RhodesThe Lighthouse of Alexandria Sadly only the Pyramid at Giza is still standing today, the others all having been destroyed by natural disaster. You can read more about the Seven Wonders at Wikipedia. What are the seven wonders of your life? List them out and write about what makes them a wonder for you.