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IOT devices, Logistics, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Machine learning, Wireless, Industrial Automation, Internet of things, Water conservation, IoT, IoT wireless solution, Water Monitoring Devices, Water consumption, Cloud-based energy management

Healthy mind and body by managing lifestyle - docpok. What do I get by conserving energy? Riding a car, using air conditioners, doing laundries, using water heaters, refrigerators or energy-efficient fuels, all lead to more energy usage and reckons for almost 76% of total energy consumption in a typical household, creating environmental pollution leading to severe health problems.

What do I get by conserving energy?

Every individual nowadays is suffering from enormous diseases, sometimes costing a life. We don't realize the value of per resource we are getting from nature and continue wasting the energy attained from all resources each day. We have become so used to all the technological facilities that we have started neglecting the significance of our nature and are just utilizing the resources to an interminable extent for making our life more convenient each day ending into problems for our health.

The price of the electricity bill is not going to account for the environmental damage caused by our energy usage. To know more for conserving our environment and energy, go through the below link: Why eating sugary foods results in weight gain? - docpok. Why does eating sugary food result in weight gain?

Why eating sugary foods results in weight gain? - docpok

We all love eating donuts, cakes, chocolates, cookies. Having more sugar in drinks always gives our taste buds pleasure. Sugar has been so tempting since centuries but eating them on a regular basis can help make you overweight. However, the consumption of sugar, more than prescribed quantity, each day can skyrocket the number of calories in the body. How will robots shape healthcare in the future? - docpok. Blog Health Care and AI ML.

How will robots shape healthcare in the future? - docpok

IT Consultancy Services - Megnasoft. Our consulting services cover a broad range of things where we augment your existing teams or ideas to develop them fully from all aspects of product development to delivery and continuous improvement and maintenance.

IT Consultancy Services - Megnasoft

Cloud computing and applicationsSystem architecture and designProduct development strategySelection of tools and technologiesSome of the activities related to areas:Proof-of-Concept: We create simple product prototype to ensure that the product features can be implemented. It can also be a great start to show your business concept to investors/customers/business partners. Analysis and upgrades: We provide help on the technology upgrades so that you can move your application to the next level. Software development and management services - Megnasoft. The problem with Screening Tests - docpok. Screening tests are a routine test done to diagnose diseases.

The problem with Screening Tests - docpok

Examples of some tests are: MammogramsPSA test (Prostate Exam)Chest X-ray Tests like mammograms are routinely done to screen for breast cancer; if cancer is found, it can be treated quickly to minimize risks. However, as with many screening methods, there are drawbacks. False-positive tests in which the doctor can interpret results as a disease can lead to unnecessary procedures and further testing. Another problem is overdiagnosis which may sound like an unfamiliar term when talking about healthcare; however, many of you may have already been presented to the idea. The problem of overdiagnosis is common especially in cancer screening where cancers can develop at different rates and never actually affect you. Software development and management services - Megnasoft. Overeating sugar is making our bodies sick - docpok. Overeating sugar is making our body ailing Ever wondered why you get chronic diseases like diabetes, heart, or liver diseases?

Overeating sugar is making our bodies sick - docpok

These chronic diseases are a result of metabolic changes in the body. Software Development - Megnasoft. Our team members are fully conversant in all of the major programming languages and platform frameworks.

Software Development - Megnasoft

We can help and advise on the best choice of programming technologies, frameworks and languages most appropriate for your cloud private or public or hybrid hosted or mobile ( Android , iOS) application needs. Our working experience with various infrastructures like AWS provides support way beyond a simple software developer. Home - Megnasoft. Home - docpok. Fitness family friends: Impact on your healthcare costs - docpok. Fitness family friends: Their impact on your healthcare costs With the rising cost of healthcare, balancing your health has become more important than ever.

Fitness family friends: Impact on your healthcare costs - docpok

Medical expenses can be financially crippling and can put a large strain on every aspect of your life. When it comes to avoiding costly medical procedures and up keeping your health, it may not come as a surprise to you that fitness, family, and friends can all have significant impacts on your medical health and your susceptibility to illness. What may surprise you is how artificial intelligence could act as a connecting tie between these three health factors and could be the link that helps medical professionals track and treat medical problems long before they become overwhelming. Fitness The idea that personal fitness impacts your health should come as no surprise. In short, the Internet of Things(IoT) is a complex system of interconnected devices that act as data collectors. Family and friends. I have a sweet tooth, now what? - docpok.

You have probably heard of the saying of someone having a "sweet tooth" as the reason for loving sugary foods.

I have a sweet tooth, now what? - docpok

However, does something like that actually exist? A sweet tooth is used to refer to the craving of sugary treats. How different types of pollution impact our health? It's not only air, water, or food. - docpok. Do your surroundings have pollution?

How different types of pollution impact our health? It's not only air, water, or food. - docpok

Maybe, yes. Many people consider surrounding things like air, water, soil, etc. to be polluted, but pollution goes way beyond these things. Anything which is contaminated and can harm the creatures and nature is considered as polluted. There are also some activities which harm us as well as the environment around us; we can call this Psychological or mental pollution and physical health pollution. Envoomy. Combating Stress in Students - docpok. En en Blog Health Care and AI ML. How to get over sleep disorders by getting a good night sleep? - docpok. How to get over sleep disorders by getting a good night sleep? Are you struggling with having a good night sleep?

Have you tried everything but nothing works? Sleep has become one of the problems in today's life. Many people in the world are struggling to sleep well each night. The toxic truth about sugars - docpok. The toxic truth about sugars Sugar may taste sweet, but it's toxic for the body. A few consumptions of sugar may do nothing, but a large amount of intake daily can harm the critical organs of the body. Strange, right? There is growing scientific consent that fructose, the most common type of sugar, can be harmful to the liver, just like alcohol.

Why eating sugary foods results in weight gain? - docpok. Why eating sugary foods results in weight gain? We all love eating donuts, cakes, chocolates, cookies. Having more sugar in drinks always gives our taste buds pleasure. Sugar has been so tempting since centuries but eating them on a regular basis can make us fat, even it's doing its job so well. However, the consumption of sugar, more than prescribed quantity, each day can skyrocket the number of calories in the body. Envoomy. Patient Support - docpok. Healthcare in your pocket Docpok improves the cost-effectiveness of healthcare by creating easy access to doctors, labs, patient information, and intelligence. Doctors can spend more time on patient care while DocPok reduces the costs, enhancing efficiency and improving quality. Docpok: How it works? Docpok: How it works? Healthcare can be complex or simple depending on the circumstances. Boost your mental energy: 5 scientifically proven ways - docpok. Why being kind to people around you makes you healthy? - docpok.

Docpok Overview. Do I really need to see my doctor at least once a year? Why does it help??? - docpok. Do you recollect the last time when you have visited a doctor? Was there something you want to follow up on with your doctor? If you don't retrieve, then it's probably been a long time since your last visit. Generally, people don't consider going to a doctor until they feel sick or have any other health concern. A routine checkup with your doctor is essential even if you are healthy. Regular visits to your doctor can help determine any critical health condition at an early stage. The solution to this inquisition may not be the same for all; it depends upon the health condition of person-to-person.

Now, you might be wondering if everything is fine, why would I go to the doctor? Keeping track of your health vitals - How it helps? Am I influencing the quality of life with excessive use of air, water and energy resources??? In our daily lives, only a few of us are concerned about the energy embedded in the water that we use. Am I influencing the quality of life with excessive use of air, water and energy resources??? What do I get by conserving energy, I don't care for cost??? Riding a car, using air conditioners, doing laundries, using water heaters, refrigerators or energy efficient fuels, all lead to more energy usage and reckons for almost 76% of total energy consumption in a typical household, creating environmental pollution leading to severe health problems. Every individual nowadays is suffering from enormous diseases, sometimes costing a life.

Energy efficient smart IoT plugs helps cut energy usage and energy bills - WhizNets. Smart home is not about making home automated and safe, but it is also about saving energy by switching on and off appliances at home as well, using the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled systems. People want ways that can be more energy efficient and can conserve energy because it is better for the environment, but also helps save money. With this data collected, it can become more evident when the appliances are left on standby, or open – the user will get to know the visibility of where the energy is getting lost, and where the potential savings lie. Some of the features of energy efficient smart plugs: Easy to plug portable device with wireless connectivity.View current energy usage or look at historical data including daily, weekly, and monthly usage.View energy usage pattern of particular appliances compared with other energy-efficient star rating models.

AI ML use in optimizing electricity generation distribution and consumption - WhizNets. Part 1 Electricity generation and now storage too. Conserving water through mobile phones? - WhizNets. Internet of things (IoT) allows new ways to be opened in water conservation. What are the harmful effects of air pollution? - WhizNets. Time to smarten up your water - WhizNets. How smart is your water? If you're using an intelligent water sprinkler, then it can help to control and monitor your water usage.

Water sprinkler is a device which is used to sprinkle or spray water, especially in the lawns. They are devised to sprinkle water in the fields for crop where the supply of water is not enough. However, soon it has been adapted to our lawns too. Smart sprinklers might not be anywhere near the top of your list when you think of connected appliances, but if you have an in-ground sprinkler system, you need one. Smart sprinklers are too smart they can automatically schedule the timing by itself, the only time when the user has to adjust is once during implementation.

Here’s the bottom line: A sprinkler system for your residential lawn and garden saves you money and time. Contact WhizNets Inc.11040 Bollinger Canyon Road, Suite E- 206San Ramon, California, 94582, USA+1 408-715-7654 sales@whiznets.comFor more Information, visit 187-problem-with-screening-tests. What is Allergy? - WhizNets. Electronic Health Record - Evolution in Healthcare - WhizNets.

Health Care Solutions. Workforce safety and security in always connected world - WhizNets. Home - WhizNets. Health Care Solutions. How AI helps in improving the quality of healthcare sector - WhizNets. Energy Management. Conserving water through mobile phones? - WhizNets. Healthcare: Its time to Evolve? - WhizNets.