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Information Design

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Usability testing

Future - Technology - The decaying web and our disappearing history. Our online history is disappearing at an astonishing rate, creating a black hole for future historians.

Future - Technology - The decaying web and our disappearing history

On January 28 2011, three days into the fierce protests that would eventually oust the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, a Twitter user called Farrah posted a link to a picture that supposedly showed an armed man as he ran on a “rooftop during clashes between police and protesters in Suez”. I say supposedly, because both the tweet and the picture it linked to no longer exist. Instead they have been replaced with error messages that claim the message – and its contents – “doesn’t exist”. Designing Screens Using Cores and Paths. Imagine you’re on one side of a grass lawn and you want to reach the bus stop on the opposite side.

Designing Screens Using Cores and Paths

Do you walk on the sidewalk around the edges or cross in the middle? Assuming the grass is dry and it’s not prohibited, you’d probably take the shortest path and walk across the lawn to the bus stop. If others have done so before, you may see a beaten path that you could follow. Such unplanned paths connect the shortest distance between two points, and we can find them everywhere in our surroundings. LIS 677 - Home page.

Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design.