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Underwater tourism: There's nowhere to go but down. Construction will soon begin in Dubai for the Water Discus, the first five-star underwater hotel.

Underwater tourism: There's nowhere to go but down

As Richard Branson and James Cameron make high-profile submarine dives deep into the ocean and millionaires purchase luxury subs to sit on the decks of their yachts, a growing interest in underwater tourism is fueling a number of out-of-this-world projects. What a suite will look like at the Water Discus hotel. “People have always been fascinated with what’s underwater,” said Bruce Jones, president of Triton and U.S. NFL Stars Stuck with Super-size Homes. America's Most Expensive College Dorms. Homes With Amazing Staircases. America's Largest Luxury Home Sales of 2011. America's Biggest Mansions for Sale. Rotating Home That Follows the Sun. Normally, when someone asks for the remote, it’s because they want to undertake some serious TV channel surfing.

Rotating Home That Follows the Sun

But in one unique home located just 90 minutes north of New York City, playing with the remote control will set the entire wooden house spinning on its axis. This dome home was, in fact, built on an electronically-controlled axle.