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TriAquae – Python 视频教程 - Vimperator. Guilherme Defreitas - Vimperator. 酷壳 - - Vimperator. Sina_reptile/SDK1/ at master · gnemoug/sina_reptile - Vimperator. C#.net4实现搜索无线网络程序。_百度知道 - Vimperator. 火花社区>【深圳】小恩爱高薪寻各类码农 - - Vimperator. Cocoa - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - Vimperator. Cocoa应用程序一般在苹果公司的开发工具Xcode(前身为Project Builder)和Interface Builder上用Objective-C写成。

Cocoa - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - Vimperator

不过,通过Java bridge、PasCocoa、PyObjC、CamelBones以及RubyCocoa等桥接技术,Java、Clozure CL、LispWorks、Object Pascal、Python、Perl、Ruby等其它工具或者语言也可以用来开发Cocoa应用。 也有一些其它语言的Cocoa实现无须桥接,比如苹果公司开发的MacRuby和类似Lisp的Nu语言。 不使用Xcode和Interface Builder,仅仅通过文本编辑器、GCC和GNU make工具也可以用Objective-C语言开发Cocoa应用。 对最终用户来说,使用Cocoa编程环境开发的应用程序即为Cocoa應用程式。 这类应用有独特的外观,因为Cocoa编程环境让程序在多方面自动遵循苹果公司的人机界面守则。 Cocoa历史[编辑] Cocoa是从1980年代由NeXT开发的编程环境NeXTSTEP和OPENSTEP演变而来,這點可由其類別之名皆以NS前綴(代表NeXTSTEP)看出端倪。 Cocoa这个名词曾经被用来称呼一款帮助儿童创建多媒体工程的应用程序。

内存管理[编辑] Cocoa环境的一个特点是它可以管理动态分配的内存。 SSID BSSID ESSID - sflfqx的个人空间 - 开源中国社区 - Vimperator. SSID Short for Service Set Identifier, a 32-character unique identifier attached to the header of packets sent over a WLAN that acts as a password when a mobile device tries to connect to the BSS.

SSID BSSID ESSID - sflfqx的个人空间 - 开源中国社区 - Vimperator

The SSID differentiates one WLAN from another, so all access points and all devices attempting to connect to a specific WLAN must use the same SSID. A device will not be permitted to join the BSS unless it can provide the unique SSID. Because an SSID can be sniffed in plain text from a packet it does not supply any security to the network. ESSID The Extended Service Set ID (ESSID) is the name of the network you want to access. It is used to identify different wireless networks. BSSID The BSSID is a 48bit identity used to identify a particular BSS (Basic Service Set) within an area. ESSID is just an extended SSID allowing for more features. 什么是SSID/ESSID/BSSID?

SSID(Service Set Identifier)AP唯一的ID码,用来区分不同的网络,最多可以有32个字符,无线终端和AP的SSID必须相同方可通信。 Puppet: 强大的中心化配置管理系统 — LinuxTOY - Vimperator. SSID BSSID ESSID - sflfqx的个人空间 - 开源中国社区 - Vimperator. Mac OS X: bash脚本实现添加无线SSID(Update2009-10-09) - junwong的个人空间 - 开源中国社区 - Vimperator. Inspired UI - Mobile UI Patterns - Vimperator. iOS列表 Table UI - iOS App UI 欣赏 - 分享精美的App界面设计 - - Vimperator. Linux Operating System and Linux Distributions. 0.4.3. Pdf.js integration for Plone Rigel Di Scala <> Introduction This product adds pdf.js support for Plone.


Pdf.js is a JavaScript library for rendering PDF documents in the canvas, without using external plugins; only JavaScript is needed. This product will make the JavaScript library available as a resource, and add a new view for the File content type. Please note that pdf.js is still under heavy development; as such: a modern browser is required;not all PDFs may be rendered correctly, or at all; Installation Use Buildout. Usage If the view detects a PDF file, it will attempt to render it inline using pdf.js. Additional information Currently, the whole document is downloaded and each oage rendered incrementally inside the canvas. Missing directory images/ in the distribution Tests: basic code coverageReasonably minified pdf.js Minified pdf.min.jsTested on Chrome and Firefox Renders the Tracemonkey PDF. Resources. Vimperator. Vimperator. IPhone 6 Amazing Features. Mac OS X 上Oracle Instant Client 安装笔记 - Vimperator.

Sample Album - Dropbox - Vimperator. Stroll.js - CSS3 Scroll Effects - Vimperator. Silk – Interactive Generative Art - Vimperator. 购买TeamViewer许可证 - Vimperator. 70+不同类型的jQuery Slider教程与DEMO. Xsite - Vimperator. 女朋友做外贸的,最近需要做个产品册,要求是每张A4纸上有20个图片,我心想小case吧,哥们会点ps呢。

xsite - Vimperator

可是当她把图片发给俺,俺一看差点吓屎,近10000张图片,这要ps必定吐血身亡。。。 还好俺还会点php,好吧,写个小程序来完成拼图。 因为图片都是按编号排列的,要求给每个图片都加上编号,于是我的思路是:1.先把所有图片缩放到统一尺寸 2.把每张图片和编号组合到一张图 3.把每20张图再组合到一张图。 图片处理用到了ImageMagick和php的imagick扩展。 下面上代码,有详细注释: 第一步: 第二步: 效果图 第三步: 大功告成! Ps:推荐在shell中运行php,既不会超时也能看到处理进度。 [Laravel4] 实战之短网址 - 也就这样, - Vimperator. 数据库表结构 CREATE TABLE `u_links` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `hash` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `hits` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `hash` (`hash`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 虽然理论上url可以很长,但是这里约束一下255 目录结构 这里仅列出需要动到的目录和文件 app/config 配置文件目录 app/controllers 控制器 app/models 模型 app/views 视图 app/lib 自己建的,方便放一些公用库 app/routes.php 路由.

[Laravel4] 实战之短网址 - 也就这样, - Vimperator

Python的一些用法 - 穿草鞋的 - 博客园 - Vimperator. Draw a Stickman - Vimperator. UNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits - Vimperator. Break bad UNIX usage patterns Michael StutzPublished on December 12, 2006 When you use a system often, you tend to fall into set usage patterns.

UNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits - Vimperator

Sometimes, you do not start the habit of doing things in the best possible way. Sometimes, you even pick up bad practices that lead to clutter and clumsiness. One of the best ways to correct such inadequacies is to conscientiously pick up good habits that counteract them. Adopt 10 good habits Ten good habits to adopt are: Make directory trees in a single swipe Listing 1 illustrates one of the most common bad UNIX habits around: defining directory trees one at a time. Listing 1. It is so much quicker to use the -p option to mkdir and make all parent directories along with their children in a single command.

Listing 2. You can use this option to make entire complex directory trees, which are great to use inside scripts; not just simple hierarchies. Listing 3. Change the path; do not move the archive. Sorting Algorithms Are Mesmerizing When Visualized - Vimperator.