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Job / Careers Zone. Money. A sample picture of a fictional ATM card.


The largest part of the world's money exists only as accounting numbers which are transferred between financial computers. Various plastic cards and other devices give individual consumers the power to electronically transfer such money to and from their bank accounts, without the use of currency. Money is any object or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-economic context.[1][2][3] The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally in the past, a standard of deferred payment.[4][5] Any kind of object or verifiable record that fulfills these functions can be considered money. The money supply of a country consists of currency (banknotes and coins) and usually includes bank money (the balance held in checking accounts and savings accounts).

Mortgage Refinance, Refinance Mortgage Rates, Home Loans - Quicken Loans. Infographic of the Day: How Color Affects Purchases.


USA money map. Jobs. Money Management. Budgeting. Money. Money Pictures. Stores/shopping. Financial Institutions. Transferring. Tax. Seizing / Garnishment. Loan. Donation.