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Mobile Marketing - 7 Best Practices for QR Code Success. If you read my last blog post on QR codes, then you’ve gotten a basic understanding of what QR codes can do and how they can be employed practically.

Mobile Marketing - 7 Best Practices for QR Code Success

In this post, I’d like to discuss the best practices for implementation to ensure that your QR code marketing campaigns are optimized and effective. I’d say that the question I get most frequently is “How do I change the content of my QR code? I’ve already publicized it but now I want it to take users somewhere else.” Or “I publicized my QR code and then found that it was broken!” The fact that this comes up brings me to what I consider the most important best practice when it comes to QR codes: 1. Now this may seem obvious but let’s face it – mistakes happen. 2. It’s imperative that you ensure your QR code does what you want it to BEFORE you make it public. Test with multiple devices & apps too! 3. 4. The size you use really depends on where you intend to post your code. 5. 6.

Trackable Dynamic QR Codes - TrakQR. Detect Mobile Browsers - Mobile User Agent Detection. Cell Phone Screen Resolution by Brand and Model. For best result, the size (dimension) of cell phone wallpaper must match the size of cell phone screen.

Cell Phone Screen Resolution by Brand and Model

Whenever the wallpaper dimension is too large for the screen, it will be automatically resized by your cell phone. This automatic resizing usually results in a poor image display quality. On the other hand, if the wallpaper dimension is too small for the screen, the picture will not cover all of your screen. Why would you display small picture if your mobile phone can display a larger one? Bigger picture means clearer picture, right? Below is a list of cell phone screen resolution, sorted by brand and model.Use this list as a guide on choosing the right size of cartoon photo wallpaper for your cell phone. (If you need to know which cell phones have certain screen resolution, there is also a list of cell phone screen resolution, sorted by size available) Disclaimer: Alguns formas sorprendentes de usar códigos QR.

Los códigos QR han pasado de ser una mera moda usada por algunos desarrolladores excéntricos, a tener un peso importante a la hora de transmitir información, sobretodo entre dispositivos como smartphones, videoconsolas o para ser tomados como punto de referencia en aplicaciones de realidad aumentada.

Alguns formas sorprendentes de usar códigos QR

Por ese motivo hoy queremos hacer un pequeño repaso a las aplicaciones más originales que utilizan esta tecnología, así como a los fines más peculiares con que se ha utilizado: 1 – Likify, lleva el “me gusta” de Facebook al mundo real Likify es una aplicación bastante ingeniosa aunque a primera vista no lo parezca. Su objetivo, en resumen, es que los usuarios podamos hacer el clásico “me gusta” de Facebook sobre objetos del mundo real, que enfoquemos con nuestro smartphone. 2 – MU ARRG! Aunque de momento sea una aplicación experimental, no por ello deja de ser impresionante. ¿Para cuando una aplicación así para ordenar nuestros cuartos?. 3 – Tales of things, los códigos geolocalizados.