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Startups Surge In South America. Editor’s Note: Christine Magee and Mark Lennon are analysts for CrunchBase.

Startups Surge In South America

Winter is coming in South America, but for investors and entrepreneurs things are starting to heat up across the continent. New tech communities are sprouting up in South America to serve the 200M+ population that is increasingly reliant on internet and mobile technology. In June the accelerator program Start-Up Chile announced Generation Ten, its latest batch of nearly 100 startups set to arrive in Santiago this summer. Fully funded and supported by the Chilean government, Start-Up Chile is the first of many state-sponsored seed funds to emerge in South America over the last few years. The success of the program has spawned complementary programs around the region – Start-Up Peru in Lima, Startup BA and Incubar of Argentina, and Colombia’s iNNpulsa, among many others.

The Series A Crunch “Everyone uses incubators as ATMs,” says Chilean entrepreneur and investor Tadashi Takaoka of Magical Startups. Why Brazil? Las 9 startups que escogieron a Medellín para hacer crecer sus negocios. Uruguay: The New Hub for Innovative Latin American Startups. Las 10 empresas más innovadoras de Latinoamérica. Software, servicios, mercados, proyectos y conceptos.

Las 10 empresas más innovadoras de Latinoamérica

Sin importar cuál sea específicamente su oferta, éstas empresas han logrados posicionarse entre las más innovadoras del mundo. Y todas son latinoamericanas. Algunas ya han logrado posicionarse como alternativas globales. Otras avanzan hacia otros países en la promoción de sus novedosos negocios. Un reporte de la revista Fast Company, divulgó las 10 compañías latinoamericanas más innovadoras para 2015. 1. Con un modelo de negocio enfocado en crear un canal de distribución de productos de necesidad básica a granel, la empresa chilena Algramo ha logrado hacer más justa la distribución de alimentos en los sectores pobres más desatendidos, permitiendo la reducción de los precios de compra de las familias de una manera inteligente, moderna y sustentable. Algramo cuenta con 125 máquinas expendedoras en Santiago de Chile que distribuyen productos básicos a granel incluyendo detergentes, arroz, frijoles y lentejas. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Brazil Startup Report. MacKinsey_MGI_Open_data_Full_report_Oct_2013.pdf. Open data: Unlocking innovation and performance with liquid information. Open data—machine-readable information, particularly government data, that’s made available to others—has generated a great deal of excitement around the world for its potential to empower citizens, change how government works, and improve the delivery of public services.

Open data: Unlocking innovation and performance with liquid information

It may also generate significant economic value, according to a new McKinsey report. Our research suggests that seven sectors alone could generate more than $3 trillion a year in additional value as a result of open data, which is already giving rise to hundreds of entrepreneurial businesses and helping established companies to segment markets, define new products and services, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.

Podcast The open-data opportunity DownloadMGI’s Michael Chui discusses the economic potential of open data and how governments and businesses can unlock it. However, investments in technology and expertise are required to use the data effectively. Exhibit Enlarge About the authors. [Benchmark] SPORT & DIGITAL, qui sont les meilleurs ? Le Sport Web Challenge, étude réalisée par KantarSport, Audencia Nantes et Kurt Salmon, a été publié et nous vous présentons les résultats dans cet article.

[Benchmark] SPORT & DIGITAL, qui sont les meilleurs ?

Cet état des lieux de l’utilisation de l’outil « internet » a permis de mettre en lumière les bonnes pratiques et les comportements digitaux à améliorer. Pour cette étude, 6 catégories regroupant une centaine de critères sont prises en comptes. Les 156 acteurs du sport choisis arbitrairement reçoivent une note sur 10 pour chacun des 6 critères selon leur performance et une moyenne sur 100 est calculée afin de définir un classement du « web assessment » (évaluation digitale).

[Rapport] Latin America’s Mobile Market for 2014. This post is also available in: Spanish When it comes to Latin America’s mobile market, the growth has been fast and furious, with new trends emerging in terms of behavior and usage.

[Rapport] Latin America’s Mobile Market for 2014

It’s a challenge to sort through the data just to make sense of it, let alone take advantage of it. So we decided to offer a statistical overview to help highlight the important facts that may influence mobile ad campaigns in Latin America in 2014 and beyond. Mobile Phone Users According to GSMA, there are 328 million individual mobile users in Latin America. By the end of 2014 there will be 341 million mobile phone users in Latin America and by 2017, there will be 374 million. Biggest Markets Brazil has 112 million mobile users, while Mexico has 97.6 million active mobile lines and Argentina has 53 million mobile lines. Mobile Internet Growth A report from called Invasión Mobile Latinoamerica 2013 looks at the Latin American mobile market from several angles. Tablets.