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Monoprix-test-and-learn-sur-Pinterest. Pourquoi avoir ouvert une page Monoprix sur Pinterest ?


Parce que Pinterest est devenu, en peu de temps, un des réseaux sociaux les plus suivis, dont nous ne pouvions ignorer l’émergence. Il s'inscrit de plus en plus dans le quotidien des consommateurs auxquels nous souhaitons nous adresser. C’est pour cette raison que Monoprix veut partager ses coups de cœur, inspirations et nouveautés avec ses followers, que ce soit dans le domaine de la mode, de la décoration, de l’alimentation ou de la beauté. Lawyer assesses Pinterest's copyright situation. Pinterest, pourquoi faire ? Quelques astuces et des invitations ! Pinterest est LE réseau social à la mode en ce moment.

Pinterest, pourquoi faire ? Quelques astuces et des invitations !

Pourtant lancé il y a plus de 2 ans, et pourtant assez limité dans ses fonctionnalités en comparaison d'autres réseaux, il a engrangé pas loin de 10 millions d'utilisateurs ces 9 derniers mois. Oui, tu as bien lu. 5 Ways Brands Can Use Pinterest to Boost Consumer Engagement. On Pinterest?

5 Ways Brands Can Use Pinterest to Boost Consumer Engagement

Follow Mashable to check out our favorite infographics, tech news, internet memes and digital culture! The surprise smash-hit social networking site of 2011 wasn’t Twitter, Tumblr or Google+. In fact, it was a site that, even today, is still an invite-only social network. The Palo Alto site Pinterest has skyrocketed into the top ten most visited social networks of the past year and continues to gain traction and popularity. The image-based platform is a simple enough concept: Users create and name Boards anything they like (Places I'd Like to Visit, Pretty Dresses, My Cookie Creations, etc.) and post relevant photos on corresponding Boards, while categorizing Boards under one of the 32 general Pinterest categories. But how can brands and companies utilize this platform to their advantage? 1. Brands and companies can connect and build buzz among their audiences by hosting various types of contests on Pinterest. 2.

Pinterest keeps and engages members better than Twitter, data shows (exclusive) To pin or not to pin: That is not the question on Pinterest.

Pinterest keeps and engages members better than Twitter, data shows (exclusive)

In fact, according to data gathered by e-commerce analytics platform RJMetrics, Pinterest retains a remarkably high percentage of new users who go on to use the site at high rates and stay active on the site long after they’ve joined. Pinterest is the digital pin-board site that has attracted droves of arts-and-crafts enthusiasts (many of them women, but some of them rich British men) who frequently “pin” products, recipes, and fashion finds to their personalized boards. The startup has kept quiet on its fast-track to Internet fame, but, thanks to third-party analysts, we’re learning more about the reasons behind its rapid rise.

In a report published Wednesday, shared exclusively with VentureBeat, RJMetrics founder and CEO Robert Moore looks at the behaviors and activities of the startup’s members. “Pinterest is conducive to sharing,” Moore said in an interview with VentureBeat. Is This Mark Zuckerberg's Pinterest Profile? Pinterest est devenu le site à la croissance la plus rapide de l'histoire. Pinterest, le réseau social le plus «in» du moment. The GSD&M SXSW SXSurvival Guide. Pinterest: Everything You Wanted to Know About 2012's Hottest Startup. Pinterest has emerged as the runaway social media hit of early 2012.

Pinterest: Everything You Wanted to Know About 2012's Hottest Startup

You probably knew that already. But did you know the company just has 12 people? Or that 97% of Pinterest's Facebook fans are women?, a visual marketing firm, took a deep dive into the data to catalog Pinterest's stunning rise and produced the infographic below. What's clear is that with 10 million users, Pinterest has already made its mark in terms of web design influence, if nothing else. It also has the potential to become a forum for satire, as this fake Mitt Romney account illustrates. Since the company appears to be the hottest thing going — at least at this writing — consider this a snapshot of the next social media giant or the answer to tomorrow's trivia question.