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Nosequisoc. Tadahiro Uesugi . La personalidad y la línea. Tadahiro Uesugi . La personalidad y la línea Clic en imágenes, para ver en grande Nacido en 1966 , este ilustrador japonés de trazo inconfundible, facilmente reconocible, creó escuela "desempolvando" un estilo propio del Pop y los años 60´s que incluso Custo Barcelona o el mundo publicitario actual (las campañas de Martini, por ej) recuperarían precisamente por su atractivo e impacto visual. Sin embragoen complejísimas composiciones, hacen de él algo peculiar dentro del mundo de la ilustración. Si te gusta su estilo échale un vistazo AQUI. Palabra de pez abisal. EL COR DE LES APARENCES - Bloc de Manuel Delgado. Mind Hacks. Barking up the wrong tree - Just the interesting stuff. 09.10. El género Dillinger: entre el cine experimental y la depravación.

Quien piense que los géneros cinematográficos son sólo la comedia, el melodrama, el fantástico, el musical, el western y algún otro es porque tiene una visión cuadriculada y joseluisgarciana del cine y la vida en general. Un buen sórdido sabe que existe todo un descenso a los infiernos de subgéneros tan interesantes como el era yo y el que aquí proponemos y bautizamos como cine Dillinger. Una película Dillinger (bautizada de tal guisa en honor de la piedra angular del género, Dillinger ha muerto de Marc o Ferreri) narra las andanzas de un personaje autista, o movido al autismo por las circunstancias.

¿Que como se puede sostener una película con un solo personaje? He ahí el mérito y la sordidez de estas obras. Si la alienación y / o enajenación del protagonista son importantes, y las cosas que hace son absurdas y sin sentido, entonces estaremos ante un dillingerismo puro y encomiable. Pero existen otros teóricos de fuste de la filosofía dillingeriana, verbigracia: Bien, Diplomas Dillinger: DICIEMBRE 2010 « El Proyecto Matriz / The Matrix Project. Profundamente superficial. Mundos - Lugares imaginarios. La atmósfera agobiante de Región Lugar: Región es una comarca (la “comarca regionata”), un espacio “mítico, legendario, demoniaco” (Joseba Molinero) que se sitúa en la montaña leonesa, cerca del pantano del Porma (hoy Pantano de Juan Benet).

Descripción: Es un paisaje aterrorizante de sencilla estructura: una zona de montaña, otra de páramo (un pequeño y elevado desierto “que parece interminable”) y abajo el valle de praderas amplias. Lo cruzan dos ríos que confluyen: el Torce y el Formigoso. Pero es un paisaje demoníaco: “las montañas, los elementos vegetales, el clima adquieren fundamentos humanos -deseo, rabia, ira- como en un conjuro infernal”.

Lo rodean los bosques de Mantua, donde viven algunos pastores (aunque nadie habla de este lugar). En Región se encuentran varias poblaciones y caseríos: Bocentellas, Puente de Doña Cautiva, El Salvador, Burgo Mediano, Macerta. Pero nos interesa sobre todo el pueblo también llamado Región. Dark victory. Fuck you very much. Fuck you is the new thank you Welcome! You have reached the visual diary of two friends. These are their thoughts on everything. Enjoy your stay. Read more about us here. If you want to say hello do not hesitate to send us an e-mail.

We are fans of Gloria Steinem. The images on fuckyouverymuch are found all over the amazing internet. |||: JEAN SEBERG Bienvenida tristeza || CINE || Feedback-zine || cultura pop :||| Ella no me hacía caso, todo por culpa de su hermana. Había intentado besarla en la oscuridad del portal de su casa y acabó por contárselo a su hermana.

Yo le decía que no era cierto, que le mentía, pero ella y yo sabíamos que el motivo era otro. Ella había notado el parecido con la chica de mi póster. Era como una obsesión. La conocí en aquella película, como todos, bajando Les Champs Elysées vendiendo periódicos, con el pelo corto y una camiseta del New York Herald Tribune. Busqué y rebusqué, le pregunté a todo el mundo, lo quisé saber todo sobre ella y, al final, robé aquel póster y lo colgué en mi habitación. Jean vive su vida La vida de Jean Seberg es un completo misterio, con hipótesis sobre sus inclinaciones políticas, sexuales, sus adicciones y su propia muerte.

Es una estrella ahora. A caballo entre Europa y los EEUU, la carrera cinematográfica de Jean Seberg tambalea con facilidad. Une femme marieé Su carrera cinematográfica no levantaba el vuelo aunque mantenía su popularidad. The Tale of Two Tings. Novembro 2008. ParisDailyPhoto. DC's. Distimium. Portland Building Ads. Sublime things.


The Selvedge Yard. In the summer of ’71, The Rolling Stones, seeking shelter from their UK tax woes, exiled to the South of France. Keith Richards set up house with Anita Pallenberg and their son Marlon in Villa Nellcôte– a 16 room waterfront mansion that once served as Gestapo headquarters for the Nazis during WWII. The infamy continued with it now best remembered among rock fans as the grand flop-house where Exile On Main Street was recorded. French photographer Dominique Tarle chronicled perhaps the most notorious house party ever, and had full access to goings-on over a period of six crazy months.

He later recounted to the New York Times– ”They built a studio in the basement of Keith’s house because the band knew it would be easiest for Keith,” says Dominique Tarlé, who had an all-access pass inside the villa for six months. Keith Richards & Gram Parsons During that time, Keith Richards & Gram Parsons were close friends– with Gram feeding Richards a steady diet of country music influence. Author A. Justlikehoney★ Paris Hotel Boutique Journal. As an antiques dealer, I'm constantly asked, "How do you part with this? " That's a good question. I think most of us started out as collectors and have a difficult time selling our acquisitions.

I only purchase what I like, so it's really hard to sell it. And unique items are becoming more difficult to find, so it's even tougher! I thought I'd share some favorite finds that I can't part with. At least for now... I recently acquired this old silverplate chatelaine notebook from the "Grand Restaurant" in Brussels. The menu printed on the cute it that? AND it's a note pad. I LOVE vintage trophies and have a small collection of them. And this 1930's trophy from the Catskill Mountains for a "Bathing Beauty Contest" I stumbled upon these 19th century mercury glass apothecary jars at a flea market.

I found this French top hat with a prize ribbon and it must stay... Then there are my San Francisco collections, such as this antique souvenir cup... The Duchess of Devonshire´s gossip guide. J ane was the Tory version of Georgiana and her fiercest rival. Indeed the two women were foils, Jane being an outspoken Scot with a competitive nature loved being a Tory hostess just as much as Georgiana enjoyed being a Whig one.

But upon closer examination of this tart we find that the two women had a lot in common and if they weren't so similar they may have been the best of friends. Jane Maxwell was the daughter of a typical poor, drunken baronet. While her father sold off his lands to pay his debt her mother educated her and her sisters in Edinburgh. When she was 14 Jane accidentally jammed a finger from her right hand in a carriage wheel and when it moved away it took her finger with it. Their marriage quickly proved to be a loveless one. As for politics, well, Jane fought dirty. Despite the unhappiness of her marriage, Jane loved her status as a duchess and became infamous for seeking the best marriages for her children.

I Heart Berlin. Give me the good old days! Just got back from Capitolfest 8 and felt I should write down my review of an INCREDIBLE weekend of films. The Rome, NY based festival continues to showcase some of the best vintage flicks on the East Coast and this year did not disappoint one bit. The choice selection of pictures this year made this probably the best line-up of all the festivals I went to this year. My friends and I got to the theater around 1:30 on Friday to take advantage of a guided tour of the movie palace. From the backstage area, to the downstairs dressing rooms, and up to the projection booth, the tour showed all the inner workings and stylings of a 1928 movie theater, although the Capitol did have a facelift in 1939 and much of what we see today comes from that Art Deco makeover.

Main theater seating area during an intermission King of the Rodeo (Universal, 1929) ***1/2 - Hoot Gibson leaves his disapproving father to take part in a rodeo in Chicago. Signing in at the Capitol runs pretty smoothly. Piso franco. Cannelle et Vanille. Eeeeeee. In Hollywood, if what you're doing is not in front of the camera, what's the point? No one knew better how to design for the screen than MGM Art Director Cedric Gibbons and the house he built for himself and movie star wife Dolores Del Rio was custom-made for a cinematic life. (Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for real life as they divorced in 1941.) This 1930s masterpiece of Deco has all the high style flourishes we would hope for: mirrors everywhere, shiny surfaces gratis of a polished black rubber floor, and mysterious zig-zag walls and staircases that hint at glamorous intrigues. I firmly believe that this house was made to be seen in black and white - which was how everything was photographed in the 1930s.

(Click here and here for a fascinating post from Mrs. Compare these period photographs when CG and DDR lived here to the house in the 1980s when owned by Adelle and Ira Yellin to now as decorated by Michael Smith for movie producer Joe Roth. La Petite Claudine 3.0. Femme Femme Femme. Señorita Puri (acuda a caja 7) Frugal For Life. Record the day. Tokio Times. La Coquette.