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Bibliotherapy at Queen Margaret University. Bibliotherapy Bibliotherapy is the term used to describe the prescribed reading of self help books to deal with a range of psychological and personal problems.

Bibliotherapy at Queen Margaret University

Recent research in the UK has shown it to be an effective way to improve your mental health. It is now established in Universities and local libraries throughout the country. The Student Counselling Service and the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) have joined together to develop this scheme to support students who are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression, irritability etc.

How will it help you? Self help books are about helping you to gain a new perspective and are only effective when you are motivated to reflect on your own behaviour and make these changes. How the scheme will work These suggested books will be stocked in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) and can be borrowed by any matriculated student or member of staff. Bibliotherapy Book List Abuse Alcohol Anger Anxiety and Stress Assertiveness Relating. Bibliotherapy. Where to find ideas for books….


The Children's or Young Adult librarians at your local public library are a knowledgeable and helpful resource! Web Sites Amelia Bloomer Project. ( ) Created by the Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association, books are slected to celebrate strong girls and women. Children's Literature Web Guide. ( ) This highly cited source from the University of Calgary has lists of award winners, teaching ideas, links to authors' home pages, book reviews and more!

CCBC: Cooperative Children's Book Center . ( Includes topic bibliographies (e.g., family, grief & loss, social justice), book reviews, discussion forums, videos of author & artist lectures, recommended book lists and more. Recommended Literature: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve. ( ) Created by the California Dept. of Education International Children's Digital Library ( ) provides access to hundreds of digitized children's books from around the world. Welcome - Words Work Well. Find and share bibliotherapy recommendations. Feel better with fiction. Bibliotherapy: Helping Students, One Book at a Time — Polar Oceans.

Bibliotherapy is the practice of helping individuals grow and develop through books.

Bibliotherapy: Helping Students, One Book at a Time — Polar Oceans

Reading, writing, and discussion can provide an opportunity to work through grief, cope with a difficult situation, or just explore developmentally-appropriate topics. The practice dates back to the 1930s in the United States, and has widened to include self-help manuals and even movies. At its most basic level, bibliotherapy involves selecting reading material that has relevance to the person’s life situation. Often, however, the practice will also involve writing, play, or reflective discussion. One school of thought maintains that only professionals trained in psychology should practice this type of therapy while others feel that parents, teachers, and librarians can also apply the concept in their practice.

Clinical Bibliotherapy: used by trained professionals; meant to deal with significant emotional or behavioral issues Bibliotherapy An overview of bibliotherapy with a focus on classroom teachers. Bibliotherapy, When Kids Need Books: A Guide for Those in Need of Reassurance and Their Teachers, Parents, and Friends by Amy Recob, 9780595525300. Buy this book online. Click on the Google Preview image above to read some pages of this book!

Bibliotherapy, When Kids Need Books: A Guide for Those in Need of Reassurance and Their Teachers, Parents, and Friends by Amy Recob, 9780595525300. Buy this book online.

The most important qualification that the author brings to this book is a genuine care and concern for her students. Everyone has dealt with at least one of the issues listed in this book at some point in his/her lifetime. Whether that issue was conquered with the help of a loved one, through therapy, or is still weighing on the individual, the therapeutic power of a book is often overlooked. The reassurance gained when an individual learns that they are not the only one, can open several doors of communication, and can put one on the road to recovery or coming to terms with an issue. Bibliotherapy, When Kids Need Books: A Guide for Those in Need of Reassurance - Amy Recob. Resources. Professional Tools. About "The use of books selected on the basis of content in a planned reading program designed to facilitate the recovery of patients suffering from mental illness or emotional disturbance.

Professional Tools

Ideally, the process occurs in three phases: personal identification of the reader with a particular character in the recommended work, resulting in psychological catharsis, which leads to rational insight concerning the relevance of the solution suggested in the text to the reader's own experience. Assistance of a trained psychotherapist is advised. " --bibliotherapy in ODLIS, Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science. Biblio.

Most of us realize how therapeutic reading can be.


We find ourselves entering the world described in the pages of a good book and becoming involved with the characters therein. We often close the cover having gained new insight and ideas. That is the purpose behind the use of bibliotherapy; to assist a youngster in overcoming the emotional turmoil related to a real-life problem by having him/her read literature on that topic. This story can then serve as a springboard for discussion and possible resolution of that dilemma.

Thus, the adult provides guidance in the resolution of personal crisis through the use of directed readings and follow-up activities. .