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Live World Data. Awakening from Duality- May the light grow within you. To Change the Paradigm - Start Here! The Optimism Bias by Tali Sharot: extract. We like to think of ourselves as rational creatures.

The Optimism Bias by Tali Sharot: extract

We watch our backs, weigh the odds, pack an umbrella. Gehirnforschung: 80% der Menschen können besorgniserregende Meldungen überhaupt nicht verarbeiten » Blog. Gehirnforscher nennen es „unrealistischen Optimismus“, was im Endeffekt nichts weiter bedeutet, als dass bei der Mehrheit der Bevölkerung essentielle Teile des Gehirns einfach herunterfahren, wenn sie mit der Wahrheit konfrontiert werden.

Gehirnforschung: 80% der Menschen können besorgniserregende Meldungen überhaupt nicht verarbeiten » Blog

Die Leiterin einer jüngst durchgeführten Studie, mit der dieser Sachverhalt nun durch Messungen der Gehirnaktivität belegt werden konnte, macht dieses zuvor umstrittene Phänomen sogar für den Ausbruch der Finanzkrise im Jahre 2008 verantwortlich. EZB bestätigt: Die Bank-Guthaben in Europa sind nicht sicher. Antrag-Bedingungsloses-Grundeinkommen-geaenderte-Fassung-5-vom-04.03.2010. The President Who Told The Truth.

This video contains one of the most awesome, inspiring and truthful speeches ever given by a president.

The President Who Told The Truth

This very speech must have caused a lot of panic among the higher echelons of the elite. Kennedy had been in office for only 3 months and he was already taking unprecedented steps to empower ordinary people. Kennedy did more for civil rights than any other president since Abraham Lincoln. Kennedy was a big supporter of the constitution, he was against the tyranny of big government. He wanted to withdraw US troops from Vietnam. He wanted to abolish the CIA and Federal Reserve, and he warned us of criminal elements within the establishment who wanted to cease an opportunity to restrict peoples freedoms. 543808_508685965830244_695468507_n. 525614_376106055829977_1040164761_n. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Intellectual Revolution. A Zeitgeist Movement Technology Team Application.

Invention of the day: A bladeless wind turbine. It may look like a giant airplane window strung with Venetian blinds, but this structure, designed by Dutch architecture firm Mecanoo and installed at the Delft University of Technology in March, is a model of a machine that would convert wind to energy without any moving parts.

Invention of the day: A bladeless wind turbine

Any mechanical moving parts, at least: The technology, developed by the Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science faculty at Delft, uses the movement of electrically charged water droplets to generate power. How does this work? A handy video explains: The prototype of the EWICON (Electrostatic Wind Energy Converter), as envisioned by Mecanoo, has the potential to change the use of wind technology. The EWICON absorbs little wear and tear, requires hardly any maintenance, but most importantly, it makes no noise and casts no moving shadows, two of the principal complaints that hinder wind turbine installation in the United States.

ZeitNews. Neue Trends der Zukunft Online. Researchers say AI prescribes better treatment than doctors. A pair of Indiana University researchers has found that a pair of predictive modeling techniques can make significantly better decisions about patients’ treatments than can doctors acting alone.

Researchers say AI prescribes better treatment than doctors

How much better? They claim a better than 50 percent reduction in costs and more than 40 percent better patient outcomes. RT. Consciousness TV. The Venus Project. The History & Structure of the Universe (Infographic) Our journey toward understanding the nature of our universe began thousands of years ago and had its roots in religion and philosophy.

The History & Structure of the Universe (Infographic)

Around 2,300 years ago, careful observers in the Mediterranean deduced that the Earth must be round and must orbit the sun. With no way for these early theories to be proved correct, however, they could not stand against the more flattering notion that the Earth was at the center of everything and that the cosmos existed to support human life and destiny. When Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei invented the astronomical telescope some 1,900 years later, it was finally possible to make precise observations about the planets and stars.

A science of the structure and history of the entire universe, called "cosmology," emerged. FIRST UP: What We Know Now >> It took quite a bit more than seven days to create the universe as we know it today. Wisdom of the Child. I remember very clearly, when I was a little child, who could not speak much or express herself well enough, I felt I knew so much.

Wisdom of the Child

The whole understanding of life was in front of me, I was fearless, I had no doubts and I lived my knowing. I enjoyed my life. Then within time passing and me growing I have become more and more frustrated as I started to recognise that within time I began forgetting the truths I knew and things started looking much complicated. I felt I was losing myself in the world of people. I felt I began knowing less, I began understanding and feeling less, I became less… The truth is that when I was little I understood and knew and felt a lot, I just did not have ability and/or enough words and ways to express that knowledge, so as a child I simply lived what I knew and felt. My desire and aim is to go back to that beautiful innocence of the child I once was, and I am walking on my path…quite well.