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Untitled. Documentation for the nomencl Package - nomencl.pdf. Permute.dvi - permute.pdf. LaTeX: List of Notations using nomencl.sty. LaTeX: List of Notations (Nomenclature) Update for MikTeX 2.9 below.

LaTeX: List of Notations (Nomenclature)

I've been working on my thesis for a couple of months now, and frequently I have to look up ways to tweak certain Latex components, so I'm going to start posting about these tweaks, even if it's just to link to another page about how to do something. If I end up having a good collection at the end of my thesis, then I can write a final post aggregating them in a logical order so they can serve as a guide to formatting a thesis in Latex. I'm using TeXnic Center (TXC) 2 Alpha 3 to edit and MikTeX to build. I originally installed both using ProTeXt which packages TXC1, MikTeX, Ghostscript, and Ghostgum.

I later installed TXC2 which provides a much-needed overhaul to the interface so that toolbars don't shift all over the place whenever you resize the window. Today, I decided to add a List of Notations (aka list of Symbols) to my thesis. Anyway, as outlined here , adding a list of notations can be done in 4 simple steps: GasTeX. Last update: July 25, 2012 New in version 2.9b8 (2012/07/25) Thanks to the package auto-pst-pdf, GasTeX is now fully compatible with pdflatex.


To use this feature, two new options "pdflatex" and "recompilepics" have been added to the package gastex.sty : \usepackage[pdflatex=true,recompilepics=auto]{gastex} \usepackage[pdflatex,recompilepics]{gastex} \usepackage[pdflatex,recompilepics=false]{gastex} % final versions \usepackage{gastex} See examples in ex-gastex-pstpdf.tex and ex-gastex-beamer.tex . New in version 2.9b1 (23/09/2010) As suggested by Jean Berstel, it is now possible to set independently the width and the height of a loop with the two new parameters loopwidth and loopheight. \gasset{loopdiam=4} \drawloop(A){} \drawloop[loopdiam=12](B){} \drawloop[loopwidth=4,loopheight=6](C){} Documentation There is no real documentation for gastex.

Examples. Text color in Beamer presentations. December 15, 2010 by micropore Beamer is a LaTeX class for creating slides for presentations.

Text color in Beamer presentations

It supports both pdfLaTeX and LaTeX + dvips. The name is taken from the German word Beamer, a pseudo-anglicism for video projector. One can make beautiful and structured presentation using all power of LaTex. You can install it in Linux distributions from your package manager. There are a few text color available by default like green, blue, and red. To have a variety of text colors in your beamer presentation, simply include \usepackage{xcolor} in the heading of your Tex file and define your own colors. Rivanvx / beamer. [If you plan to use the development code, please read the entire text below carefully.]

rivanvx / beamer

Official mailing list (Google Groups): / News Code in repository is always in release candidate stage for next version. It's usable (because authors use it :-) ), but not all features have been extensively tested. After bugs targeted nextrelease are fixed, and it's proven that no standard features were broken in the process, it will be uploaded to CTAN. After that, some of the bugs targeted futurerelease will be moved to nextrelease and the process will go on. Note, however, that we are very willing to accept contributions from outside, so feel free to fix any bugs that are interesting to you at any time and send us patches. Development This version of Beamer is a continuation of the work done by Till Tantau, with some new features, bugfixes and code cleanups. This code is mostly developed when we (Vedran and Joseph) have free time to do it.

Patches are also very welcome. TeX Live. TeX Live is an easy way to get up and running with the TeX document production system.

TeX Live

It provides a comprehensive TeX system with binaries for most flavors of Unix, including GNU/Linux, and also Windows. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. Some starting points for actually using TeX are in this introduction to the TeX world. TeX Live has been developed since 1996 by collaboration between the TeX user groups. TeX Live was originally perpetrated by Sebastian Rahtz. TeXnicCenter. TeXstudio.