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Biblical hebrew

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Messianic Siddur | Another J.E.M. Stone Network of Ministry Site. Welcome! » Hebraic Messiah. Nehemia's Wall | Nehemia Gordon's research on ancient Hebrew sources. Hebrew for Christians - Learn Hebrew for FREE! The Shema - Declare Your Belief - Daily. We inhabit a cosmic mirage. We perceive myriad creations, all seemingly self-sufficient and independent beings. But, as Jews, we believe that in fact there is only one true entity. One G‑d who is the essence of everything. One G‑d manifest in an infinite amount of creations. Engraving this counterintuitive idea into our psyches is our greatest challenge, but key to developing a true appreciation for, and a relationship with, our Creator. Towards this end, every morning and night we recite the “Shema”—three biblical paragraphs (Deuteronomy 6:4–9; 11:13–21; Numbers 15:37–41), which starts with Judaism’s defining statement: Hear O Israel, the L‑rd is our G‑d, the L‑rd is One.

Shema then discusses some of Judaism’s basics: love of G‑d, Torah study, the principle of divine reward and punishment, and our exodus from Egypt. Contemplating the words of Shema enables us to see beyond the mirageContemplating these words enables us to see beyond the mirage—and live accordingly. When: How: Hebrew for Christians - Learn Hebrew for FREE! Hebrew Roots. These Threads represent three fundamentally independent Biblical studies. Each can be studied in complete isolation of the others, standing alone as a coherent, self-integrated witness to the Divine Light shining through its facet of the Biblical Jewel.

As such, each Thread yields an overflowing abundance of insight into the Mind, Thoughts, and Will of Almighty God, thereby glorifying God and His Word beyond measure. Yet a glory ten thousand times greater breaks forth when one discovers that these three Threads are inextricably interwoven, with vast structures - derived independently from each Thread - interlocking to form a divine superstructure, a holographic house of infinite wonder and delight, feeding the soul with the only food sufficient unto Everlasting Life - the knowledge of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

The interplay of independence and integration establishes an unbreakable Threefold Cord bearing witness to the divine design of the Holy Bible. John 20:31.