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10 Incredibly Awesome Documents to Help You Start a Company. Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) – these are over-hyped in my opinion and few angel or venture investors will sign them, but always helpful to have one handy to bust out at parties. LLC Operating Agreement – I put my first LLC together myself using this agreement. My advice is to hire an attorney, but if you don’t listen to advice so well, knock yourself out. Sample Convertible Note – A convertible note is a way to raise debt for your company that will convert into equity.

When you are first raising money, if you can use a convertible note instead of having to give up shares/equity, you’ll usually be in a better position later on and own more of your company. Board of Advisor Agreement – A good board of advisor can be worth their weight in gold, a bad one can be worth their weight in radioactive fluid. Financial Projections Template – This document is “da bomb”. Financial Model Projections for an Internet Company – Big shout out to Brian Garrett of Crosscut Ventures (site coming soon). State of the Business Owner 2012 Infographic - EMyth - Business Coaching Reimagined. Back to blog State of the Business Owner 2012 Infographic by EMyth December 5th, 2012 Get More Articles Like This One We’ll send you our weekly newsletter, packed with EMyth resources and new articles. No spam, ever. ibukun igbasan says: Thanks for the expose.

Top of page © 2014 EMyth. Privacy & Terms <a href=" title="Contact us" target="_blank">Questions? How to Grow a Business: When Big Companies Were Small [Infographic] Even the biggest multi-billion dollar conglomerate started off as a small business. After studying some of the most dominant brands, it's clear there was one common denominator that they share when growing their business -- having a clear vision. A clear vision of what you want to accomplish is one of the factors that will ultimately help grow your business from a small startup to big time player. Want to know how to grow your business? See how global brands such as Apple, Google, and Facebook did it.Apple has brought about one of the most monumental changes with its innovative mobile devices and impeccable designs, which all started with Steve Job's vision of allowing the individual and aesthetics to be the center of the computing universe, not the mainframe.

Note: click on the image to see a larger version Go to "When They Were Small: How to Grow a Business" infographic. Ranking Employees: Why Comparing Workers to Their Peers Can Often Backfire. We live in a world full of benchmarks and rankings. Consumers use them to compare the latest gadgets. Parents and policy makers rely on them to assess schools and other public institutions, and sports fans like them for help in sizing up their favorite teams. But what about when rankings are used at the office for appraising staff performance? It’s often assumed that employees who are benchmarked against each other work harder, to either hang onto a high ranking or raise a low ranking.

However, Iwan Barankay, a management professor at Wharton, calls that assumption into question in a new study titled, “Rankings and Social Tournaments: Evidence from a Field Experiment.” “Many managers think that giving workers feedback about their performance relative to their peers inspires them to become more competitive — to work harder to catch up, or excel even more. Unintended Consequences When workers, also called “turkers,” click on a job, they are led to a web page that presents a set of tasks. 75 Big Marketing Ideas for Small Marketing Budgets. Don’t have a six-figure marketing budget like the “big boys” to throw around?

Worry not my friends you can still go big without breaking the bank. Here are 75 big marketing ideas you can begin implementing today to grow your business regardless of the size of your marketing budget. Many of these can be done with little to no money, and will cost you nothing more than a bit of your time. 1) Get Active on Twitter It takes just a few minutes to make a contribution to Twitter and making this a part of your daily business routine is a steady way to build up a network of followers interested in your area of industry. 2) Start a Blog This needn’t be an everyday thing but posting to a blog a couple of times a week is a way to keep in touch with your customers and to convey more about your business and the market in which you operate to your potential clients. 3) Blog Commenting Contribute to the conversations on blogs by bloggers in the same niche in which you operate. 4) Forum Discussions 8). Get one… Mark Cuban's 12 Rules for Startups. Anyone who has started a business has his or her own rules and guidelines, so I thought I would add to the memo with my own.

My "rules" below aren't just for those founding the companies, but for those who are considering going to work for them, as well. 1. Don't start a company unless it's an obsession and something you love. 2. If you have an exit strategy, it's not an obsession. 3. 4. 5. Related: Mark Cuban on Why You Should Never Listen to Your Customers 6. 7. 8.

Related: Three Steps for Getting Started in Mobile Commerce 9. 10. 11. Related: Is Any Publicity Good Publicity? 12. This article is an edited excerpt from How to Win at the Sport of Business: If I Can Do It, You Can Do It (Diversion Books, 2011) by Mark Cuban (Available at Amazon and iTunes). Click to Enlarge+ Get Your Valuation Do you know what your business is worth? How To Care For Introverts and Extroverts | Miss Centsible. While my earlier comments were definitely high on the shock value scale, I still feel it is grossly stereotypical to classify people this way. Extraversion is flat-out a survival skill in US society. It’s a simple truism that ALL people need some alone time, and ALL people can sometimes focus, and other times get overwhelmed. I could have taken the characteristics described here and put them into an article on ADD/ADHD and it would have rung true. The idea that Franklin, Einstein, Gates, etc. are “introverts” is presumptuous at best!

Franklin’s main function was as Ambassador to France, where everyone marveled at his long hair, and his outlandish behaviors during social affairs in Paris. Yes, it’s good to be sensitive to a person’s characteristics, but it’s NOT helping anyone to encourage them to never leave their comfort zones. Whoever told me to “try and educate myself” ought to see the diplomas hanging on my wall, in (you guessed it) Psychology. David Kelley on Designing Curious Employees. Design thinking is a process of empathizing with the end user. Its principal guru is David Kelley, founder of IDEO and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (otherwise known as the, who takes a similar approach to managing people. He believes leadership is a matter of empathizing with employees. In this interview, he explains why leaders should seek understanding rather than blind obedience, why it's better to be a coach and a taskmaster and why you can't teach leadership with a PowerPoint presentation.

Kermit Pattison: How has the design thinking model influenced your approach to leading people? David Kelley: The main tenet of design thinking is empathy for the people you're trying to design for. Empathy is not always talked about as a leadership quality. For me, it's all important. What happens when the leader has to crack the whip? A lot of this must depend on hiring the right people who have an internal desire to do well. What questions do you ask? Business - Business Model Patterns. MythBusters' Adam Savage on Problem Solving: How I Do It. How a plan becomes policy. Managing social media. If there's one thing I've noticed in social media and more specifically in business to business sales, it's that employees of a company may create a Facebook Fan Page, but the president is not aware of it! In the last 6 months alone, I’ve noticed about 4 cases in my city (Vancouver, BC.) ProblemFrom a public relations and branding perspective, this is a dangerous practice.

Having an unattended blog is bad enough, but to create a Fan Page then leave it alone? When a current or potential customer sees an empty Fan Page, they get a bad taste in their mouth. If you can access your mysteriously created Fan Page, you’ll need to put together a strategy after the fact, which is not the ideal position from a marketing standpoint.

It’s better if you can control the decision on what channels to engage. How are you going to regain the reins? Most beginner administrators will not create a secondary admin account simply because they aren’t aware they can do that. Connect: Authored by: Austen Mayor. Brain Food for Business. The Manager's Cheat Sheet. The Management Myth - Magazine. During the seven years that I worked as a management consultant, I spent a lot of time trying to look older than I was. I became pretty good at furrowing my brow and putting on somber expressions. Those who saw through my disguise assumed I made up for my youth with a fabulous education in management. They were wrong about that. I don’t have an M.B.A. I have a doctoral degree in philosophy—nineteenth-century German philosophy, to be precise.

Before I took a job telling managers of large corporations things that they arguably should have known already, my work experience was limited to part-time gigs tutoring surly undergraduates in the ways of Hegel and Nietzsche and to a handful of summer jobs, mostly in the less appetizing ends of the fast-food industry. The strange thing about my utter lack of education in management was that it didn’t seem to matter. After I left the consulting business, in a reversal of the usual order of things, I decided to check out the management literature.

Project-management. Project Management Tools. The purpose of this article is to discuss a variety of project management tools that are available to project managers. The specific tools that will be discussed are a budget, work breakdown structure (WBS), network diagram, and risk management plan. Included will be descriptions of these tools, along with a brief explanation of the relationship of these tools to applications that automate these processes. Budget "The budget is the amount and distribution of money allocated to a project" (Wideman). A budget is a tool that the project manager uses throughout the term of the project. Microsoft Excel can be used to create budgets and produce reports, although this program would be best suited to smaller and simpler projects. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a hierarchical structure that breaks down the project as a whole into separate tasks and determines the duration of those tasks.

Network Diagram Risk Management Plan Conclusion References Wideman, R. The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Introduction The purpose of this article is to discuss the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and its five life cycle phases. Project Management Institute (PMI) The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an internationally recognized organization of project managers. The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is a set of project management guidelines that was created by PMI. PMBOK is formed of five phases. Initiate - the process in which it is decided that there is a need for a particular project and then the decision that the project will begin. Plan - the process in which the scope of the project is developed, including "documenting the actions necessary to define, prepare, integrate, and coordinate all subsidiary plans into a project management plan" (Project Management Institute, p. 337).

Execute - the process in which the necessary actions are performed in order to accomplish the goals that were set in the planning stage. Personal Experience Conclusion References. The Responsibilities of a Project Manager. Introduction The purpose of this article is to discuss the main responsibilities of a project manager. These three main responsibilities are planning, organizing, and controlling. Performing these responsibilities requires many skills. Some of these necessary skills will be outlined. Planning The planning function includes defining the project objective and developing a plan to accomplish the objective.

The project manager should work with the project sponsor in order to define the specific objective of the project. The project manager must also develop a plan to accomplish the objective. Organizing The organizing function involves identifying and securing necessary resources, determining tasks that must be completed, assigning the tasks, delegating authority, and motivating team members to work together on the project. The project manager must then determine what tasks must be completed. Controlling Skills Organization - the ability to prioritize work Conclusion References Davies, J.