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Conversion Rates for the Most Popular Marketing Channels. With dozens of marketing platforms to choose from, many small businesses have trouble apportioning the right share of the marketing budget to each different strategies. Add to this the challenge of customizing these channels to suit your own individual business needs, and it becomes a scenario where you may have to test these various channels yourself to identify what works and what doesn't. And that takes a lot of effort.

However, knowing the marketing channels that give other businesses their highest conversion rate is a good starting point to benchmark your own results and thus identify areas of improvement. We asked different small business owners to share their conversion rates on their most effective channels. Here's what they say. Related: 5 Ways to Boost Your Conversion Rates and Supercharge Web Sales Direct mail We're talking about sending physical letters to prospective clients here.

LinkedIn Online ads Online advertising is a huge topic and might need an entire article for itself. Future of telephony? Study: Why Do People Use Facebook? Facebook is an accepted means of communication. It is a never-ending virtual social gathering filled with adopted puppies, cute LOL kitties, baby announcements, viral articles and videos, events, groups, organizations and fan pages. But why do people really use it?

A new study entitled "Why do people use Facebook? " from Boston University's Ashwini Nadkarni and Stefan G. Hofmann proposes that the social network meets two primary human needs: (1) the need to belong and (2) the need for self-presentation. The study also acknowledges demographic and cultural factors as they relate to the belonging need, and the variation of personality types on Facebook usage. The study defines social networking sites (SNSs) as "Internet-based services that give individuals three major capabilities: The ability to construct a public or semi-private profile, identify a list of other users with whom a connection is shared, and view and track connections made by individuals and others.

Who Is Using Facebook? Altimeter Webinar: State of the Social Media Management System Indu... Keynote: Awareness Social Business Summit #esmboston. Facebook Customization. Mobile ad evolution. The Social Media Revolution 2012. Social Media for Business. 157 Mobile App Stats You Should Know About. The Rise of Native Advertising. 7,795 views Featured in: Technology, Business The New York City Media Lab hosted an event on April 11, 2012 highlighting innovations in Social Advertising. StumbleUpon's Jack Krawczyk talked about how the brand opportunity in social media is ... The New York City Media Lab hosted an event on April 11, 2012 highlighting innovations in Social Advertising. StumbleUpon's Jack Krawczyk talked about how the brand opportunity in social media is becoming one with the content experience.

To become part of the content experience, brands must focus on presenting their content in a manner which is native to the underlying user experience. To learn more, chat with Jack: @JackK Statistics Views Total Views Views on SlideShare Embed Views Actions Likes Downloads 5 Embeds 151 Usage Rights © All Rights Reserved. Social Media Demographics.