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ASP.Net 2.0 - Master Pages: Tips, Tricks, and Traps. Master pages are a great addition to the ASP.NET feature set. Master pages help us build consistent and maintainable user interfaces. Master pages, however, are not without their quirks. Sometimes master page behavior is surprising, and indeed the very name master page can be a bit misleading. In this article, we are going to examine some of the common problems developers run into when using master pages, and demonstrate some practical advice for making effective use of master pages. For an introduction to master pages, see "Master Pages In ASP.NET 2.0" (still valid for 4.0). To make use of master pages, we first need to understand how master pages work. When a web request arrives for an ASP.NET web form using a master page, the content page (.aspx) and master page (.master) merge their content together to produce a single page. The master page contains some common elements, like a head tag.

The web form contains a single Content control, which in turn is the proud parent of a Label. Best of VIM Tips, gVIM's Key Features zzapper. Improve your vim experience: tips and tricks :: - a geek's playground. Lean Startup Peer to Peer Circle Lean Startup Methodologies are simple in theory but hard in practice so with Tristan Kromer we have created a space where entrepreneurs can come together and help each other implementing Lean. We have devised a framework centered on learning and accountability that pushes members to identify risky hypothesis and ways to test them along with metrics and success criteria. Ideption: finding a winning business idea During a Stanford class on entrepreneurship my team and I needed a way to come up with a startup idea and ended up documenting our process into a google doc that has since then been used hundreds of times by other entrepreneurs.

Devops Hiring In my career as an engineer I've worn many hats and done a lot of recruiting as a consultant. Vim Taglist plugin. Power Vim Usage: Tips & Tricks for Everyday Editing. Tips & Tricks for Everyday Editing Smylers UKUUG Linux 2004 Conference • 2004 August This view lists all the slides from the talk in a continuous format. There is a PDF version available, suitable for printing on A4 paper. The slides are also designed to be viewed as a slideshow from this file with Mozilla or a compatible browser. 1 Intro text editing: crops up all over Linux once good at it, find many uses for it Vim: powerful — potential for great efficiency Emacs and other VI variants also good this talk: tips — features & customizations fast, random, dull to encourage reading the notes work in progress 2 Learning Vim Vim is far too big to learn quickly probably too big to learn slowly learning it as an extension of VI is often not helpful The only way to get the hang of Vim is a bit at a time — learning some things you can make use of, getting comfortable with them, then learning some more.

Some of the most useful Vim features don’t require any VI knowledge. 3 Moving About 6 Indenting. Vim Python development | Peter's Blog. Python.vim - A set of menus/shortcuts to work with Python files. Graphical vi/vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial. Learning vi or vim is not easy. But it doesn't have to be that difficult, either. It is, in any case, faster, more powerful, and more productive than editing with any other editor, so you would do very well in investing the time and effort to learn it.

Being a vi lover myself, I came up with the idea of providing a graphical cheat sheet for those learning vi or vim, and I also found out it was a very good way to structure a tutorial. Here are the results for your learning enjoyment (or your colleagues'). By the way, I recently published the definitive article explaining why vi/vim editing is so much better than regular editing. It should prove useful if you want to read it yourself, or if you want to point your skeptical friends to a description of why it makes sense, apart from being an entertaining read: Why, oh why, do those #? @! Graphical cheat sheet This is a single page describing the full vi/vim input model, the function of all keys, and all major features. Notes Relevant links.