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MMS College in Thane India - Self-motivation – A journey within. September, 2020 We seldom realize that there is a force which keeps us going on, in a situation which demands perseverance, resilience, endurance and the internal drive which comes from within to let us move ahead, produce, grow and achieve something, this is what is recognised as Self-motivation.

MMS College in Thane India - Self-motivation – A journey within

The question is whether does everyone experiences this force and the zest to achieve? If not, then what could be the factors or circumstances that kindle this fire in ourself? What if we could know how to stay self-motivated? To explore this, one has to travel within, know your true self, understand your aspirations and set your goals, try to discover over your real strengths, question the purpose of your being there… Having said all this, from where to begin? The way towards igniting the fire of self-motivation, the journey has to begin inward. Let us discover simple series of actions to begin with and cultivate an environment of self-motivation: Dr. Also read : NEED TO DISCOVER OUR ABILITIES. MMS College in Thane India - Need to discover our abilities. September, 2020 Clarity of purpose is extremely important for being successful in life as it helps you streamline your thoughts and helps you achieve what you wish to achieve.

MMS College in Thane India - Need to discover our abilities

It also helps you realize your very purpose. There should be clarity in the mind because in the absence of it, thoughts are very weak and they are unable to drive a person in the appropriate direction. Absence of clarity is the cause which does not help a person to channelize energy. MMS College in Thane India - Loan Moratorium during Covid19 – Aerial View. September, 2020 Amidst Covid- 19, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) came up with an equated monthly installments (EMI) moratorium plan in the month of March 2020.

MMS College in Thane India - Loan Moratorium during Covid19 – Aerial View

This decision was a gigantic relief for retail borrowers who were dented due to disrupted cash flows. A moratorium is a period when the borrower who has taken any loan from any commercial bank, co-operative or NBFC’s does not have to pay EMI, and get a relaxation to defer payments. However, it is not a waiver and these EMIs will be paid as per the new emended schedule. Initially the loan moratorium was agreed till May 2020, but later a further suspension of EMIs were extended till 31st Aug 2020. MMS College in Thane Mumbai - Reflective Questions- a Constructive way of Delivering Feedback. September, 2020 On the last day of our schools and colleges, all of us are so curious to get our slam book filled by our closest friends.

MMS College in Thane Mumbai - Reflective Questions- a Constructive way of Delivering Feedback

In which they mentioned/expressed their points/feelings about us. In that slam book whatever is written we used to cherish it throughout our lives whenever we read that. Today we all are living in the world of algorithms, #tags, followers which are the new human connections. MMS Degree College in Thane India - Management Lessons from Panchatantra. August, 2020 The story of 'Dharmabuddhi and Papabuddhi Two friends earn some money in a certain village and hide the money under a tree before returning home.

MMS Degree College in Thane India - Management Lessons from Panchatantra

One of the friends, Papabuddhi, digs up the money alone, and blames the other of stealing it. When the matter is escalated to the elders of their village, Dharmabuddhi faces the allegations of being the thief through dubious evidence. It is then that Dharmabuddhi swings to action to prove his innocence during this crisis. An analysis of this story reveals that when the innocent one among the friends is faced with evidence to prove him guilty, he understands the crisis caused and the importance of immediate damage control before he is prosecuted. Risk Management from Panchatantra The story presented hereby illustrates the circumstances where crisis management becomes important. MMS Degree College in Thane - The Power of Decision Making. August, 2020 All decisions have immense power.

MMS Degree College in Thane - The Power of Decision Making

The power comes from within as individuals own them. Frequently, individuals feel helpless, angry, and inefficient as they believe that decisions are now owned by them and hence are apprehensive in owning them. Effective executives should recognize the power of decisions and decision making as they make important decisions all the time. MMS Management College in Thane - Impact of COVID-19 on Hiring of MBAs. August, 2020 We are all aware about the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted adversely to the entire world.

MMS Management College in Thane - Impact of COVID-19 on Hiring of MBAs

While the world is trying to minimize the negative effects of the pandemic on business and economy, we all know that it’s a fight, where the odds are not in our favour. With businesses, all over the world, seeing reduction in their revenues and profits, it is natural to see job losses for existing employees and a slack period in the employee hiring market. Jobs in India, like other countries, are no exception to this trend. A recent article in ‘Economic Times’ highlighted the job losses situation in India which is as follows: MMS Management College in Thane - ‘Rising from The Ashes’ with the Growth Mindset.

August, 2020 Currently world is going through a very difficult phase due to the prevailing COVID19 pandemic situation.

MMS Management College in Thane - ‘Rising from The Ashes’ with the Growth Mindset

The number of COVID19 positive cases are increasing day by day and it is badly affecting various industries, nations and overall global economy. On the other hand, scientists and pharma companies are working towards developing some medicine or vaccine for the same, doctors are trying their best to treat the affected patients with the limited resources available and have been successful in the recovery of lakhs of patients. MMS Degree College in Mumbai - Business Innovation during Covid19 Crisis. July, 2020 Crisis leads to Innovation: The pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has led to a global health crisis which has a deep impact on the way we see our world and has impacted our everyday lives.

MMS Degree College in Mumbai - Business Innovation during Covid19 Crisis

Looking at the current Covid19 crisis, there’s no reservation in also saying that it has led to several innovations be it the new drugs, medical instruments, improved healthcare procedures, industrial and supply chain innovations and new techniques to collaborate. A common thing with all these innovations is that they will lead to solving the problems for us, which is the core of innovation. MMS Degree College in Mumbai - Money: A factor of Motivation, Not Always! July, 2020 Aayan, an engineer and a post graduate in management, was happy in his job.

MMS Degree College in Mumbai - Money: A factor of Motivation, Not Always!

He was working with a renowned bank as a Sr Manager Treasury sale and performing well with his targets. One evening he happened to meet his previous office colleague, Ravi, who was his reporting head and they had spent 5 years working together. Over a cup of coffee, they discussed work, targets, market scenario and many such things. During the conversation, Ravi offered Aayan to join back his previous bank as management was happy with his performance and they would love to hire him back. Aayan was in dilemma whether to re-join his previous workplace or continue with his current job which he had started just a year back. MMS College in Thane - What Motivates You? July, 2020 It was Thursday evening and a session was scheduled from 5PM to 8PM for a company in Thane. I was conducting a session on Leadership development.

For a leadership role, motivation and understanding about how to motivate a team is important and as a part of my session I distributed a sheet of paper with the participants with these two questions: 1. What motivates you? MMS College in Thane - Learn to make best out of what you get. June, 2020 Sometimes we fail to recognize the growth opportunities because of pre-conceive notions, self-image and ego levels.

I started realizing the same when I come across different experiences. First experience was with one of the good students of operations specialization, Mr. MMS College in Thane - Values in Life. June, 2020 Often, we hear people talking about Values they have been brought up in life and it is very heartening to note it in today’s materialistic and competitive life. there are people who have values in their lives and also have inspired others too. The population figures of our country make the competitive life that tougher and yet in this age and stage of life, we have significant no of people living with values of honesty, integrity, Justice, Determination, Love etc.

These people with good values do have a big impact on our society at large. Now it is difficult to pin point a particular age when the seeds of values sown in our life. It is generally believed that values start building in one’s life or get imbibed at a young age of five and upwards. There is one intriguing aspect about values, i.e. A person having good values, seldom talks about it as those values are noticed so distinctly by that person’s behaviour and actions.

MMS College in Thane - Social Distancing. June, 2020 Ministry of Health and Family Welfare verbalizes that social distancing is a non-pharmaceutical infection prevention and control intervention implemented to avoid/decrease contact between those who are infected with a disease causing pathogen and those who are not, so as to stop or abbreviate the rate of transmission and thus preventing spread, morbidity and mortality caused by the disease Has one human being become a threat to another human being? Definitely not!! Social distancing is suggested to save the human race!! Social distancing in reality is physical distancing, whereby ‘connecting between people” should be avoided through personal contacts The spread of virus and requirements of extremely hard measures for its tendency to spread is a reminder to the dangers of humans getting trapped in their “ego, greed, selfishness etc.” . MBA Colleges in Thane - Linking Bhagavad Gita Principle with Sports. June, 2020 Image source: बुद्धियुक्तो जहातीह उभेसुकृ तदुष्कृ ते| तस्माद्योगाय युज्यस्व योग: कर्मसुकौशलर््|| (Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 50) Translation: One who prudently practices or devotes oneself to the work without attachment i.e.

Business Schools in Thane - Are you Upskilling your Employees? May, 2020 Upskilling has become the new buzz word in the corporate world!! MBA College in Thane - Dial D for Disruptive Business Strategies in Difficult Times (COVID-19) May, 2020 Black swan events such as pandemics and recession change the orbit of economies and businesses. The SARS pandemic of 2002 catalysed the growth of e commerce giant Ali Baba as the biggest retailer of Asia. The transformation from a small ecommerce was fuelled due to travelling constrain and anxiety for human connect and contact similar to COVID-19.

Part time Online courses Thane Mumbai - Accepting ‘New Normal’ best practices for SMEs. Business School in Thane - Impact of COVID 19 on economy :- Will economic problem be solved by government with support from corporates in India Inc.? May, 2020 On 22 March 2020, Government declared a lockout throughout the country (79 districts). MBA Courses in Thane - Career Opportunities for Operations Management Students. April, 2020 Some students have passion for Operations, but have apprehensions about their careers in Operations management.

Objective of this paper is to guide the students who are in a dilemma to take up operations specialization or not. The present market conditions appear that Finance and Marketing specialization are more lucrative. Business schools in Thane - The psychological impact of Coronavirus Pandemic on Indian Stock Market. April, 2020 As human beings, what we fear the most in this world, are the things that we have no control over, things which are unexpected and completely random. Business schools in Thane - Impact of Covid - 19 on Education Sector in India. Business schools in Thane - Innovations in the time of Calamity. April, 2020 Mankind has always been curious enough and has evolved with the changing times through devising solutions to existing problems with genuine ideas and breakthrough innovations. MBA College in Thane - Goal Setting.

March, 2020 We all get the feeling that we want to achieve much more in our lives. At various times, we keep feeling that there could be much more to life than just the routine activities. This brings us to the concepts of life management, goal setting and time management. These concepts are related to each other. We need to understand and appreciate that: Business schools in Thane - Innovations in the time of Calamity. Management College Thane - Significance of Summer Internship. March, 2020. Digital Marketing Program in Thane - The Importance of Digital Marketing.

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