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5 corporate writing tips from Winston Churchill. I’ve talked before about Winston Churchill’s gift for language.

5 corporate writing tips from Winston Churchill

Here’s a great example of an inspiring speech he gave to get Great Britain behind its leader: “The news from France is very bad, and I grieve for the gallant French people who have fallen into this terrible misfortune. Nothing will alter our feeling towards them or our faith that the genius of France will rise again. “What has happened in France makes no difference to British faith and purpose. We have become the sole champions now in arms to defend the world cause. Here’s why it works: 1. “The news from France is very bad.” More typical is the CEO whose email announces 1,400 redundancies and begins with this cheery bit of corporate speak: “Today we announce a multi-year program that will enhance service excellence and innovation, help achieve greater operating efficiencies and position us for accelerated growth.”

Lesson: If you have to deliver bad news, don’t warm up to your theme. 2. 3. Take a closer look this part: 4. 10 ways a social intranet cuts down on email. Social intranets can help facilitate communication.

10 ways a social intranet cuts down on email

The ability to connect with others through the intranet reduces our reliance on email. Besides, we lose a significant amount of time and productivity every day because we have to process so much email. I'm going to show that many things you accomplish with email can be done more efficiently using internal social networking applications. I think these apps often do an even better job than emails, especially if you want immediate response or better archiving. 1. Instead of sending email, send an instant message. Your message will pop into your co-worker's screen and get their attention immediately. 2. Instead of emailing the draft document, upload it into a folder. Emailing drafts back and forth can get confusing very quickly. Comment organiser sa veille en communication interne sur les réseaux sociaux ?

Utilisation des univers 3D en entreprise, cas pratiques. Juin 13th, 2008 by Anthony Poncier , avec son prestataire , a remporté le prix intraverse 2008 R&D , avec la mise en place d’un intraverse collaboratif sur Second Life. De plus, il y a quelques temps, nous sommes revenus sur une étude développée dans la Leadership et jeux ligne UnfrozenMind World of warcraft Community chest ».

Commençons par ce programme de formation, encore en cours, et qui a débuté au mois de mars. L’objectif est de former les cadres au leadership et au travail de groupe, en utilisant comme support le monde de World of warcraft. Regroupés dans un même groupe à gérer et organiser, les managers appliquent les principes du leadership dans plusieurs contextes (raid et champ de bataille).

Toute les phases sont analysées et comparées aux situations rencontrées dans le contexte professionnel. Afin de permettre aux collaborateurs de travailler ensemble de façon synchrone et asynchrone, un ensemble d’infrastructures a été mis en place accessible 24h/24 et 7J/7 pour : Qu’est ce que la communication interne ? (définition) Changement. Tribune_com_crise.

Cas pratiques com interne

Idées, éditos & partis pris. RSE, intranet & entreprise 2.0. Evénementiel. Boîte à outils com interne. Association française de communication interne. Com managériale. Marque employeur. Curation Com Interne. Associations & clubs Com. Com'Interne. Communication interne, l'abécédaire.