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Электронная библиотека эзотерики. National Geographic News. Science News. Scientific American. Just after 6 AM local time on Tuesday in Japan, a sound like an explosion was heard near the suppression pool of reactor No. 2 at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. This followed an explosion March 11 that ripped the roof off reactor No. 1 and another at reactor No. 3 on March 14 that injured 11 workers. The culprit in all three cases is likely a build-up of explosive hydrogen gas—as occurred at Three Mile Island in the U.S. in 1979 as a result of the meltdown there—caused by nuclear fuel rods experiencing extremely high temperatures stripping the hydrogen out of the plant's steam. "The hydrogen accumulates outside of containment but inside the reactor building.

You get enough and some spark source and you get an explosion," explains nuclear engineer Michael Golay of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The 3.7-meter-long nuclear fuel used at Fukushima is composed of uranium oxide pellets encased in a zirconium cladding. ZDNet. Элементы. Наука. MEMBRANA: Люди. Идеи. Технологии. ScienceBlog.Ru - научный блог. Журнал «Популярная механика» Библиотека научной литературы Книга тайн:НЛО. Троицкий вариант – Наука. Журнал "Квант" Журнал "Наука и жизнь"