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Système agroalimentaire & Innovation

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Agriculture de conservation. Pesticides et autres poisons. Urban farming. I find this developement rather exciting Bad Seed Farm in Kansas City Brings Urban Farming to the Next Level: Legislation Urban farming is not new -- its been a way to feed cities for thousands of years.

urban farming

But in the US, it was purposely planned out of our cities, even as they grew bigger and, as a result, hungrier. Now many of our cities contain massive sprawl, which have created new opportunities in the form of abandoned lots, a consequence of the economic downturn. But we also have a mobilized movement of individuals interested in feeding people, especially those without access to healthy fruits and vegetables (many of whom reside in cities). These anticipated problems now have a face -- Bad Seed Farm is at the center of a neighborhood zoning debate in Kansas City, Missouri. Kelly took part in a meeting with some of the legislators and the Bad Seed farmers this morning. "I think this is a sign of the maturing of the urban agriculture movement," Kelly said. De la Fourche à la Fourchette (Agriculture Agroalimentaire) Future Work Skills 2020. About the … ISIU FR h FUUR The Institute for the Future (IFTF) is an independent, nonprot strategicresearch group with more than 40 years of forecasting experience.

Future Work Skills 2020

Thecore of our work is identifying emerging trends and discontinuities thatwill transform global society and the global marketplace. L'Arbre des Possibles - Blog. 04.09.2015Les avions du futur.

L'Arbre des Possibles - Blog

Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds. Dear Reader: Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds is the th installment in the National IntelligenceCouncil’s series aimed at providing a ramework or thinking about the uture.

Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds

As with previouseditions, we hope that this report will stimulate strategic thinking by identiying critical trends andpotential discontinuities. We distinguish between megatrends, those actors that will likely occur under any scenario, and game-changers, critical variables whose trajectories are ar less certain.Finally, as our appreciation o the diversity and complexity o various actors has grown, we haveincreased our attention to scenarios or alternative worlds we might ace.

We are at a critical juncture in human history, which could lead to widely contrasting utures.It is our contention that the uture is not set in stone, but is malleable, the result o an interplay among megatrends, game-changers and, above all, human agency. Global Trends 2030. The blog had over 140 posts and over 200 comments. Le consommateur français - Comportement, attitudes et perceptions à l'égard des produits alimentaires - 6268-fra.pdf.

Accueil. Produire plus et mieux : le casse-tête (chinois ?) des productions animales (Chronique originale) Trade and Environment Review 2013. Developing and developed countries alike need a paradigm shift in agricultural development: from a "green revolution" to a "truly ecological intensification" approach.

Trade and Environment Review 2013

This implies a rapid and significant shift from conventional, monoculture-based and high external-input-dependent industrial production towards mosaics of sustainable, regenerative production systems that also considerably improve the productivity of small-scale farmers. We need to see a move from a linear to a holistic approach in agricultural management, which recognizes that a farmer is not only a producer of agricultural goods, but also a manager of an agro-ecological system that provides quite a number of public goods and services (e.g. water, soil, landscape, energy, biodiversity, and recreation) UNCTAD's Trade and Environment Review 2013 (TER13) contends.

TER13 highlights that the required transformation is much more profound than simply tweaking the existing industrial agricultural system.

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Think Tank. Association. Presses. Plans sociaux. Veille hebdomadaire - Réseau des nouvelles des marchés - RNM SNM. Intelligent Agrifood Chains and Networks. Food has a fundamental position in society, ensuring health, happiness and political stability.

Intelligent Agrifood Chains and Networks

Consequently, the management of food chains and networks is one of the most important aspects of the modern food industry. Yet food is difficult to handle along long supply chains, with a limited... Food has a fundamental position in society, ensuring health, happiness and political stability. Consequently, the management of food chains and networks is one of the most important aspects of the modern food industry. Agrifood. Agrifood Voucher - Technology Strategy Board Innovation Vouchers. Fodali. Les fermes verticales, la révolution agroalimentaire est en marche. Imaginer un scénario alternatif au modèle agroindustriel carnivore et prédateur. Science and Innovation - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Science and Innovation Our scientists, technicians and staff work to create better opportunities for farmers and all Canadians through agricultural research and innovation.

Science and Innovation - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

We work with industry, academia and other partners to support science that contributes to the growth and development of Canada's agricultural sector. Research CentresInformation on our research centres across Canada. Scientific Staff and ExpertiseScientists by alphabetical list or by research centre. Information on major awards and recognitions. Forsight Eu Agrifood Sector. Europe INNOVA Sectoral Innovation Watch Detailed insights into sectoral innovation performance are essential for the development of effective innovationpolicy at regional, national and European levels.

Forsight Eu Agrifood Sector

A fundamental question is to what extent and why innovationperformance differs across sectors. The second SIW project phase (2008-2010) aims to provide policy-makersand innovation professionals with a better understanding of current sectoral innovation dynamics across Europe SIW Coordination: TNO Carlos Montalvo ( Annelieke van der Giessen( to the work of the Sectoral Innovation Watch is. Les multinationales dans le système alimentaire. Le modèle Mait peut se caractériser par son intensification, sa spécialisation, sa globalisation et sa financiarisation.

Les multinationales dans le système alimentaire

Le système alimentaire mondial - Jean-Louis Rastoin, Gérard Ghersi. Destruction massive - Jean Ziegler. Les articles du Centre d'Etudes et de Prospective du MAA. Panorama IAA. Édition 2012 du panorama des industries agroalimentaires en France - Edité tous les deux ans à l’occasion du Salon international de l’alimentation, il a été préparé par la direction générale des politiques agricole, agroalimentaire et des territoires du Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’agroalimentaire et de la forêt, en collaboration avec le service de la statistique et de la prospective, la direction générale de l’enseignement et de la recherche, la direction générale de l’alimentation, la direction des pêches maritimes et de l’aquaculture et les directions régionales de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt.

Le Panorama des industries agroalimentaires comprend trois parties : L’ensemble du panorama est disponible sur internet. La partie relative aux « enjeux de l’agroalimentaire » est également disponible en version papier sur simple demande. Contact : Remerciements.