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30 Of The Top Education Startups Of 2012. While once it might have been shocking to see a classroom outfitted with computers, or considered revolutionary to be able to take a course online, today both of those things are pretty commonplace.

30 Of The Top Education Startups Of 2012

As technology is playing an ever bigger role in our lives, education from kindergarten to college has naturally been impacted as well, in part thanks to the revolutionary changes made possible by education-focused startups. These startups have made it possible to share lectures with students all over the world, reduce costs, and in some cases have made it easier for teachers to monitor and track student progress. 10 EdTech Incubators Aiming To Change Education Forever. While there are more than 7,000 business incubators around the world, very few focus specifically on education technology.

10 EdTech Incubators Aiming To Change Education Forever

In fact, only in the past few years has there been major growth in the number of these highly-focused incubators. Part of this increased attention is an outgrowth of a mission to genuinely help education. Yet these kinds of incubators are also thriving simply because edtech is a solid investment, as the education technology market is poised to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming years. A handful of successful startups have already come out of these edtech incubators, but as the number and variety of these incubators grows worldwide, the ranks of edtech superstars likely will, too, which could have major ramifications for the future of education.

Here, we highlight just a few of the edtech incubators that are making waves in the world today, a list that’s sure to grow rapidly over the next decade. The world's top purpose-driven organizations and the people behind them. For Profit Jobs That Give Back - Give to Get Jobs.