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The Lazy Lady’s Guide to DIY: Hanging Herb Garden. At some point near the middle of March, I always decide that I’m “done” with winter.

The Lazy Lady’s Guide to DIY: Hanging Herb Garden

The sweaters and jackets get pushed to the back of the closet, the flip flops come out, and I inevitably freeze my butt off for several weeks until the weather catches up with my warm-weather state of mind. Likewise, my cravings for fresh herbs and veggies are always a little ahead of the season. Growing your own herbs is a great way to save money and avoid buying too much at a time and letting most of it go to waste. If it’s still too cold to plant outside where you are (or if you’re short on space!) This hanging herb garden is the perfect project to get you in gear for spring. Finding Pins and Needles: Body Scrub & Wash Printable Labels. It's Time to Come Clean... here's my dirty clean little secret....

Finding Pins and Needles: Body Scrub & Wash Printable Labels

I've deviated from sewing and made Body Scrub and Body Wash. Get it? Come clean? Huerta fácil para tu jardín o terraza. Quien no tiene en casa, en la casa de algún familiar una puerta vieja sin utilizar y que en ocasiones pensamos en tirar… Por qué no reciclarla entonces y transformarla en un huerto casero para poner en el jardín o una terraza?

Huerta fácil para tu jardín o terraza

No necesitamos invertir mucho dinero y es una buena forma para comenzar a cultivar nuestras propias especies aromáticas y hortalizas. Si piensan verdaderamente en hacerla, estos son los materiales que van a necesitar:Puerta vieja.Dos maderas del alto de la puerta y 30 centímetros ancho, por un espesor aproximado de 25 mm.Dos maderas del ancho de la puerta (que será su alto) y 30 centímetros ancho, por un espesor aproximado de 25 mm.12 “L” metálicas para atornillar.48 tornillos para madera.Plástico o membrana para recubrir el cajón que vamos a armar y que no se pudra con el agua.Atornillador.Taladro para hacer los drenajes.Tierra para hacer el huerto y semillas. Con las maderas listas, debes comenzar a atornillarlas con las “L´s” metálicas.

Un jardín artístico y reciclado. Arma tu propio jardín en casa. No hace falta tener un gran espacio, aún viviendo en un apartamento con un balcón podemos tener un pequeño jardín cultivar mnuestras propias verduras y hierbas aromáticas para consumir.

Arma tu propio jardín en casa

Es una idea sencilla en la que quizas necesitemos la ayuda de algún hombre, pero que con un poco de esfuerzo podemos hacer nosotras mismas. Hay algo más rico que comer comida casera y con ingredientes de nuestra propia huertita??? Los materiales que necesitas son Cajones de madera, pueden ser los de vino.Tierra preparada.Plantines de lo que vamos a plantar que podemos comprar en un vivero.Guantes de trabajo.Regadera.Palita.Tijera de podar o similar.Taladro. Paso a paso para el jardín Para hacer este pequeño jardín, puedes colocar cada uno de los cajones directamente en el piso, o bien hacer un banco de madera. A cada uno de los cajones, debes hacerles con la ayuda del taladro, agujeros para asegurar el buen drenaje al colocar los plantines. Vegetable Gardening. Sites-Gardeners-Site. Basil is one of the most versatile herbs you can grow.


Freshly picked leaves can be added to salads, sandwiches and sauces, and can be made into pesto or dried for use in the winter. Basil has a lower germination rate than many seeds, averaging just 60%. Fortunately, most seed packets contain many more seeds than you’ll need. Basil is a hot weather plant and is very susceptible to frost damage. Seeds and plants should not be put into the ground until the soil is warm (65 to 70 degrees) and the weather has settled. To get a jump on the basil season, you can start your basil seeds indoors, 3 to 4 weeks before planting time. Basil prefers growing in a lightly moist, slightly acidic, well-drained soil that contains lots of organic matter (like compost!).

The standard culinary basil, typically used for pesto and Italian cooking, is called ‘Genovese’. Recycled pallet vertical garden. Summer is waning, and since I am a diehard autumnal girl, I’d usually be very excited by now.

recycled pallet vertical garden

But I have to be honest — this lush and vibrant pallet vertical garden is making me want to stay in summer for another month or two. There have been many pallet projects and many vertical garden projects, but none combine the two elements as well as this tutorial developed by Fern Richardson of Life on the Balcony and recreated by Steph of the local spoon. I like this so much, I might have to squeeze it in before I focus entirely on fall projects. — Kate Have a DIY project you’d like to share? Shoot me an email with your images right here! There is nothing more adorable than little baby succulents.