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Toutes les bonnes pratiques - Bonnes Pratiques Opquast. Firebug Extension for AJAX Development. Page Speed Online. Zebra_Form, a jQuery augmented PHP library for creating and validating HTML forms. Get the latest updates on this PHP library via RSS Zebra_Form is a PHP library that simplifies the process of creating and validating HTML forms.

Zebra_Form, a jQuery augmented PHP library for creating and validating HTML forms

Its object-oriented structure promotes rapid HTML forms development and encourages developers to write clean and easily maintainable code. It frees the developers from the repetitive task of writing the code for validating forms by offering powerful built-in client-side and server-side validation. Zebra_Form has integrated cross-site scripting (XSS) prevention mechanism that automatically strips out potentially malicious code from the submitted data, and also features protection against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

It also prevents automated SPAM posts, out of the box and without relying on CAPTCHA by using honeypots. Forms layout can be generated either automatically or manually – using templates. The client-side validation is done using jQuery 1.5.2+ Features review Requirements jQuery 1.5.2+ Installation. Validateur HTML/XHTML. Samy kamkar - home. Create your Google Sitemap Online - XML Sitemaps Generator. Url Rewriting, Regex: actualité, tutoriel, download. The Web Robots Pages. Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0. Cette publication a été en partie financée par des fonds du gouvernement fédéral des États-Unis du ministère de l'éducation, de l'Institut National pour la recherche sur le handicap et la réadaptation (Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)) sous le numéro de référence ED05CO0039.

Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0

Le contenu de cette publication ne reflète pas nécessairement les avis ou politiques du ministère américain de l'éducation, la mention de noms de marques, de produits commerciaux ou d'organismes ne signifie pas non plus qu'ils ont été approuvés par le gouvernement des États-Unis. Download Subversion Client. Les classes abstraites et finales. PHP intègre un autre concept de la programmation orientée objet : les classes abstraites.

Les classes abstraites et finales

Ce cours définit et introduit la notion de classes abstraites. Nous présenterons ce que sont les classes abstraites, à quoi elles servent au développement et comment les déclarer et les utiliser. Nous étudierons enfin le cas particulier des classes et méthodes finales qui participent à la sécurité du code en programmation orientée objet. PHP regular expressions examples. The regular expression, as a pattern, can match all kinds of text strings helping your application validate, compare, compute, decide etc. It can do simple or very complex string manipulations. The list of possibilities is enormous when it comes to what you can achieve using regular expressions.

You can take any phrase that starts with an "A" or any character and do various things with it. You can match phone numbers, email addresses, url's, credit card numbers, social security numbers, zip codes, states, cities..... Fonction universelle encodage vers ISO-8859-1. Get_html_translation_table. The fact that MS-word and some other sources use CP-1252, and that it is so close to Latin1 ('ISO-8859-1') causes a lot of confusion.


What confused me the most was finding that mySQL uses CP-1252 by default. You may run into trouble if you find yourself tempted to do something like this: <? Php $trans[chr(149)] = '&bull;'; $trans[chr(150)] = '&ndash;'; $trans[chr(151)] = '&mdash;'; $trans[chr(152)] = '&tilde;'; $trans[chr(153)] = '&trade;'; ?

> Don't do it. Extracting XML attributes with regex in PHP. This is page three of an article about using PHP and regular expressions to extract data from XML files.

Extracting XML attributes with regex in PHP

This page is about extracting the attributes from an element in an XML sample. Page one is about extracting the content of a single element, and page two is about extracting multiple elements into an array. The source code for the functions described in this article can be downloaded on page one. Extracting attributes from XML elements Here is the code for a simple function I've written to extract attributes from a named XML element: This function searches the provided XML sample for the first element of the given name that has attributes, and returns those attributes in an associative array.

Example of use. Les flashcodes, comment les générer automatiquement et facilement avec PHP. Posté le 21 mars 2011 dans Développement web , par Abdelhak - Caroline nous expliquait dans un précédent article ce qu’est un flashcode, comment ces codes sont utilisés, etc.

Les flashcodes, comment les générer automatiquement et facilement avec PHP

Nous, on fait beaucoup de PHP, tout les jours, et on aime bien se sentir rassuré de temps en temps en se disant avec PHP on peut tout faire ! New to PHP 5.4: Traits - Simas Toleikis. Check HTTP Header: webmaster tool. Oop - PHP getter/setter to array. Is it possible to auto generate Getter/Setter from Array Values in PHP. Magic Methods. If you use the Magical Method '__set()', be shure that the call of<?

Magic Methods

Php$myobject->test['myarray'] = 'data';? >will not appear! For that u have to do it the fine way if you want to use __set Method ;)<? Php$myobject->test = array('myarray' => 'data');? >If a Variable is already set, the __set Magic Method already wont appear! My first solution was to use a Caller Class.With that, i ever knew which Module i currently use! Firefox Extensions Every Web Developer Should Know About. Firefox is a great browser for many reasons, one of the largest reasons is because of its extensibility.

Firefox Extensions Every Web Developer Should Know About

Because of its popularity, extensions for everything under the sun have been created. This includes tons of extensions aimed at helping web developers. I have put together a list of some of the most useful extensions out there. DéjàClick The DéjàClick extension may be one that you have never heard of. ColorZilla Ever wanted to grab the color off of a webpage or look at the set of the colors for a page or site?

IE Tab IE Tab is really a pretty simple extension, it allows you to view a site using the Internet Explorer rendering engine installed on the computer inside of Firefox. SearchStatus This extension is made to help with SEO.