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How to Build a Joomla!® Website: Free Joomla video tutorials. Lesson 11 Adding RSS Feeds. BackEnd. Diary of a Chicken Watcher. Barn Find Journal. MySpace. YouTube. FriendFeed. Twitter. Pioneer Cookbook. Brine CuredPickles. When I was a little girl living in way out in the country outside Lawrence, Kansas, I always knew that I could reach into the giant crock jar on our back porch and pull out a big whole pickle at any time. I do not remember my siblings and I so much as rinsing our hands before reaching in the crock for the pickles.

I don't remember us even thinking we should rinse our hands. The hardest part of getting a pickle was lifting that heavy crock lid off. Those were the best pickles I have ever eaten in my whole life to date. My grandmothers, both of them, had crock pickles also but they kept theirs in their cellars, along with bushels of apples, sacks of potatoes, shelves of canned vegetables and fruits in Mason jars, jams, jellies and sacks of nuts. I don't remember one time with either grandma when I saw her sitting in her rocker but that she wasn't shelling nuts, crocheting, or doing something productive with her hands.

Brine Pickles Gently wash cucumbers -- don't bruise them. Pioneer Cookbook. Coffee. The Realm of AbraMelin's Squares.