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The Opte Project. 30 Websites to Improve Your Reddit Experience – Johnny Lists. By Johnny Webber Reddit Services 1.

30 Websites to Improve Your Reddit Experience – Johnny Lists – Keep up with the latest development updates, community announcements, and general reddit tomfoolery.2. – Courses for Redditors, taught by Redditors.3. – A better way to view Reddit pictures.4. New Ways to View Reddit 9. Subreddits 19. Analysis and Graphs. The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet. Two decades after its birth, the World Wide Web is in decline, as simpler, sleeker services — think apps — are less about the searching and more about the getting.

The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet

Chris Anderson explains how this new paradigm reflects the inevitable course of capitalism. And Michael Wolff explains why the new breed of media titan is forsaking the Web for more promising (and profitable) pastures. Seis formas fáceis de dizer se uma história viral é falsa. “E assim começa… bandeira do Estado Islâmico encontrada entre refugiados que brigavam contra a polícia alemã”, diz a manchete no Conservative Post; “com essa nova imagem vazada, tudo parece estar confirmado.”

Seis formas fáceis de dizer se uma história viral é falsa

A imagem em questão mostrava um suposto grupo de refugiados sírios segurando bandeiras do Estado Islâmico e atacando a polícia da Alemanha. Para os resistentes em aceitar a chegada dos refugiados à Europa, essa história era perfeita. A fotografia rapidamente se espalhou por mídias sociais, especialmente por grupos de extrema direita. Evgeny Morozov: “Não acredito nos contos de fadas do Vale do Silício” - ÉPOCA.

Beware: Silicon Valley’s cultists want to turn you into a disruptive deviant. Back in August 2014, Mike Bulajewski, a Seattle-based designer with a penchant for psychoanalysis, published a fascinating essay.

Beware: Silicon Valley’s cultists want to turn you into a disruptive deviant

In The Cult of Sharing, he argued that the best way to understand why so many users feel emotionally attached to such companies as Uber and Airbnb – even earning them the feel-good moniker “the sharing economy” – is by treating such communities as cults. Like all good cults, such firms tap into our inner quest for solidarity and belonging, promising to fill our lives with meaning. By presenting their foes as enemies of innovation who want to destroy the new and deviant class of entrepreneurs, technology companies play on the perennial theme of persecution.

And they stoke fears of conspiracy – involving governments, trade unions and big corporations – out to suppress all disruptive ideas. That corporations strive to manipulate our aspirations is, of course, not news. Facebook has recently deployed a similar tactic. Web Literacy - Mozilla Learning. Facebook is eating the world. Illustration: AP Something really dramatic is happening to our media landscape, the public sphere, and our journalism industry, almost without us noticing and certainly without the level of public examination and debate it deserves.

Facebook is eating the world

Our news ecosystem has changed more dramatically in the past five years than perhaps at any time in the past five hundred. We are seeing huge leaps in technical capability—virtual reality, live video, artificially intelligent news bots, instant messaging, and chat apps. We are seeing massive changes in control, and finance, putting the future of our publishing ecosystem into the hands of a few, who now control the destiny of many. Tech history in photos: The heroes who shaped the internet. The 101 Most Useful Websites on the Internet. 50+ Useful Firefox Extensions for College Students. Alimente sua Mente ou Como Estamos Construindo a Internet e a Nós Mesmos com Cada Clique. The Internet map. Web and HyperText History. The Evolution of the Web.

Online Tools

Search Engines. Social networks. Sharing. World Wide Web. The Internet map. Acordo Dilma-Zuckerberg concentra o tráfego da rede e pode violar Marco Civil  O criador da web, Tim Berners-Lee tem alertado para o perigo da destruição da universalidade de acesso e da liberdade de navegação promovido por corporações como o Facebook, um verdadeiro jardim murado da internet.

Acordo Dilma-Zuckerberg concentra o tráfego da rede e pode violar Marco Civil 

The internet is shit. “A internet deu totalmente errado”, diz fundador do The Pirate Bay. “Não sou pessimista, sou realista.

“A internet deu totalmente errado”, diz fundador do The Pirate Bay

Nós criamos a melhor infraestrutura, descentralizada, e a primeira coisa que fizemos foi construir um sistema super centralizado sobre ela, o que é muito bizarro”, comentou Peter Sunde Por Anna Beatriz Anjos No Brasil para participar da CryptoRave, evento que tratará de criptografia e segurança na rede, Peter Sunde, ativista hacker e cofundador da plataforma The Pirate Bay, declarou, em conversa com jornalistas nesta quinta-feira (23), que a internet “deu totalmente errado”. How to Burst the "Filter Bubble" that Protects Us from Opposing Views. The term “filter bubble” entered the public domain back in 2011when the internet activist Eli Pariser coined it to refer to the way recommendation engines shield people from certain aspects of the real world.

How to Burst the "Filter Bubble" that Protects Us from Opposing Views

Pariser used the example of two people who googled the term “BP”. One received links to investment news about BP while the other received links to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, presumably as a result of some recommendation algorithm. This is an insidious problem. Much social research shows that people prefer to receive information that they agree with instead of information that challenges their beliefs. This problem is compounded when social networks recommend content based on what users already like and on what people similar to them also like. This is the filter bubble—being surrounded only by people you like and content that you agree with. And the danger is that it can polarise populations creating potentially harmful divisions in society.

MX Lookup Tool - Check your DNS MX Records online - MxToolbox. Unicode 8.0.0. Olhar Digital: Novo cabo submarino de dados ligará Brasil e Europa. Quatro sites que vão te ajudar a não compartilhar uma notícia falsa. Uma informação absurda, algo que definitivamente vai mudar a vida das pessoas.

Quatro sites que vão te ajudar a não compartilhar uma notícia falsa

Você não resiste. Precisa passar a informação pra frente, sentir-se útil na vida das pessoas e dormir o sono de quem ajudou a construir um mundo melhor. É assim que normalmente começa a disseminação de notícias falsas. Num reflexo de ativismo digital que pode causas desastres se não for utilizado com responsabilidade. Porque hoje, na era onde a notícia se espalha na velocidade mais rápida de todas, tão pouco importa se é real ou não. Corporação da Internet para Atribuição de Nomes e Números.