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Spatula Tzar. 10 Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice) I spent most of yesterday afternoon working on a paper I’m co-writing. It was one of those days when the writing came easy. I was moving from topic to topic, but then I realized that I was reaching too far backward – I was explaining things which I shouldn’t have had to explain to the audience I was trying to reach.

When I first started writing, one of the pieces of advice that I heard was that you should always imagine that you are writing to a particular person. It gets your juices going – you’re automatically in an explanatory state of mind and you know what you can expect from your audience. I was doing that, but I noticed that I was drifting. The problem I was experiencing is only getting worse. So, I was thinking about this and trying to not to get too glum. We’ve taken an interesting turn in the industry over the past ten years. Here’s the original list. Most are easy to read but some are rough going – they drop off into math after the first few pages. Writing Buffer Overflow Exploits - a Tutorial for Beginners.

1. Memory Note: The way we describe it here, memory for a process is organized on most computers, however it depends on the type of processor architecture. This example is for x86 and roughly applies to Sparc. The principle of exploiting a buffer overflow is to overwrite parts of memory that are not supposed to be overwritten by arbitrary input and making the process execute this code. To see how and where an overflow takes place, let us look at how memory is organized. A page is a part of memory that uses its own relative addressing, meaning the kernel allocates initial memory for the process, which it can then access without having to know where the memory is physically located in RAM. . - Code segment, data in this segment are assembler instructions that the processor executes. . - Data segment, space for variables and dynamic buffers - Stack segment, which is used to pass data (arguments) to functions and as a space for variables of functions. 2.

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