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TED: Ideas worth spreading. Google képkeresési találat: Járványszerűen terjed a boldogság. A boldogság gyorsabban terjed a boldogtalanságnál, és a pénznél is nagyobb hatással van életünkre - állítják új tanulmányukban amerikai kutatók, akik szerint a gazdasági válság miatt egyre romló hangulatban jó tudni: sokat javít saját közérzetünkön, ha minél több boldog emberrel vagyunk közelebbi-távolabbi kapcsolatban. Az egyén boldogságában kulcsszerepe van a többiek boldogságának, és erről még ábrát is lehetett rajzolni. Egy boldog barát átlagosan 9%-kal növeli meg saját boldogságunk esélyét, egy boldogtalan pedig 7%-kal csökkenti. James Fowler (Kaliforniai Egyetem, San Diego) és Nicholas Christakis (Harvard Orvosegyetem) tanulmányát a British Medical Journal közli január elején, most a kaliforniai egyetem adott róla előzetes tájékoztatást.

A kutatók húsz éven át, 1983-tól 2003-ig követték nyomon 4739 ember érzelmi állapotát. Az emberek egymásra gyakorolt hatását vizsgálták Számszerű következtetések Az összegyűjtött adathalmazból számszerű következtetéseket is levontak a kutatók. Tudományos Portál - Tudástérkép. Hypertree - Tree Animation. Map: explore the human disease network. Dataset, interactive map and printable poster of gene-disease relationships. Curious about the Diseasome map? Here are some answers to the most common questions asked: I. Drawing the map The Diseasome map is composed of 516 diseases and 903 genes - using the data of Marc Vidal, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi and Michael Cusick. The diseases are divided into twenty-two different categories: BoneCancerCardiovascularConnective tissue disorderDermatologicalDevelopmentalEar,Nose,ThroatEndocrineGastrointestinalHematologicalImmunologicalMetabolicMuscularNeurologicalNutritionalOphthamologicalPsychiatricRenalRespiratorySkeletalMultipleUnclassified II.

The Diseasome map’s default view is set to display all the categories and genes at once. III. As shown in the map’s navigation bar, a node’s color indicates the category it belongs to, and a disease node’s size indicates its hub degree (overall number of outbound links). The more links a node send to gene nodes shown on the map, the bigger it appears on the map. These positioning principles call for the following reading conventions: Circle Packing. Uber Rides by Neighborhood. Source: Uber Blog. I enjoyed Bradley Voytek’s post today analyzing the frequency of rides between various neighborhoods in San Francisco. However, I wondered if an alternative network visualization might better reveal patterns or anomalies in the data. Complex networks (a.k.a. “hairballs”) are hard to visualize well! This dataset is particularly interesting because it has directed edges.

Some alternatives I considered: A matrix diagram visualizes the adjacency matrix of the network by showing a two-dimensional grid; each cell in the grid encodes the relative frequency of rides from neighborhood i to neighborhood j. A chord diagram arranges the nodes (neighborhoods) radially, drawing thick curves between nodes. If I had more time, I might also take a look at hive plots, which are a bit like radial parallel coordinates. Caveats: I am not affiliated with Uber. Force-Directed Layouts. Statisztika, listák, szabványok. Nested set model. Motivation[edit] Several resolutions exist and are available in some relational database management systems: support for a dedicated hierarchy data type, such as in SQL's hierarchical query facility;extending the relational language with hierarchy manipulations, such as in the nested relational algebra.extending the relational language with transitive closure, such as SQL's CONNECT statement; this allows a parent-child relation to be used, but execution remains expensive;the queries can be expressed in a language that supports iteration and is wrapped around the relational operations, such as PL/SQL, T-SQL or a general-purpose programming language When these solutions are not available or not feasible, another approach must be taken.

The technique[edit] The nested set model is to number the nodes according to a tree traversal, which visits each node twice, assigning numbers in the order of visiting, and at both visits. Example[edit] A hierarchy: types of clothing The resulting representation. JsTree v.1.0 - Demo. Ökoközösségek Magyarországon.