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Tutorials. List of Videos for Beginner JavaScript. Tutorials:How jQuery Works. This is a basic tutorial, designed to help you get started using jQuery. If you don't have a test page setup yet, start by creating the following HTML page: The src attribute in the <script> element must point to a copy of jQuery. Download a copy of jQuery from the Downloading jQuery page and store the jquery.js file in the same directory as your HTML file. Note: When you download jQuery, the file name may contain a version number, e.g., jquery-x.y.z.js. Make sure to either rename this file to jquery.js or update the src attribute of the <script> element to match the file name.

To ensure that their code runs after the browser finishes loading the document, many JavaScript programmers wrap their code in an onload function: Unfortunately, the code doesn't run until all images are finished downloading, including banner ads. For example, inside the ready event, you can add a click handler to the link: Copy the above jQuery code into your HTML file where it says // Your code goes here. Top 10 Git Tutorials for Beginners. Version Control with Subversion.