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18 Charts That Will Help You Sleep Better. Stretching Exercises for Hamstring, Hips, Glutes, and More. When Should I Shower, Morning or Night? | Greatist. You might also like: Is It Better to Stretch Before or After a Workout? Read More We all have our daily habits, from the number of times we hit the snooze button to whether we shower in the morning or at night. We’re not here to tell you how to live your life, but there is some surprising science behind the time of day it's best to suds up and get squeaky clean. Check it out and then choose the time that works for you—or shower twice, because dang it if we can't have it all. Morning Glory If you’ve got a tough week ahead at work and really want to perform at your creative best, showering in the morning is the way to go, says Shelley Carson, Ph.D., a psychology lecturer at Harvard University.

“If you were to come up with a problem that you wanted to solve creatively, and you were working and working on it and couldn’t come up with a solution, then you could put it on the back burner of your mind and allow it to stew there while unconscious processes mull it over,” Carson says. The Takeaway. 24 Clever Tips To Get In Shape That Lazy People Will Appreciate. Ways to Boost Energy Instantly. You Might Like 34 Healthy Energy Bars You Can Make at Home READ Put down that energy shot! There's no need to chug crazy canned concoctions or buckets of coffee to get through the day without a 3 p.m. slump. We found 28 quick and easy tips to up energy levels—no unpronounceable chemicals required. 1.

When that mid-afternoon urge to doze rolls around, hit the gym instead of the sack. 2. Avoid the temptation to pull a Rip Van Winkle, and take a quick midday power nap instead. 3. Sure chocolate's got caffeine, but that's not the only reason it offers a quick pick-me-up. 4. We can say from experience six back-to-back cups of coffee is a recipe for instant crash-mode. 5. Head into the great outdoors—even if some woods aren't nearby, a green park will do. 6. The body needs fuel (a.k.a. food) to function, and without it our energy and mood can spiral downward. 7. Wondering what to eat to fuel up? 8. Studies suggest sugary energy drinks can leave us crashing as soon as one hour later. 9. 10. Lifehack. Have you ever looked over at someone (perhaps a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed work colleague, or a continually chipper friend) and found yourself scratching your head at their incredible ability to get things done?

Chances are: that person is a napper. It’s easy to dismiss those who put their head down from time to time as being overtired, lazy or seeking an easy escape from a task they’d ideally like to avoid; however, in reality the people who make an active effort to catch a brief forty winks (or ten winks, if you will) every day are doing the right thing when it comes to getting things done. So why are people who take a nap so highly productive? Here’s a list of six reasons why they can get so much done. 1.

They Don’t Suffer The Pangs Of Stress As Much As You Do More often than not, those who we consider to be the more laid-back people in life are the ones who have absolutely no reservations whatsoever about sneaking in a quick nap at any time, in any place. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lifehack. You are what you eat. It’s cliche, but true. The food you put in your body is not only the fuel for activity but it’s ultimately the building blocks of your cells, so it’s literally true, you actually are what you eat. Unfortunately the typical American diet isn’t very nutritious.

Most meals consist of overly refined, nutrient sparse, additive laden food.This is one of the primary reasons so many people are sick and tired all the time. Clean eating is the opposite. At it’s core it’s the concept of eating whole, unprocessed, “natural” food. The fewer steps food takes from its original form to your table the better. 1. Once you start eating clean, and you’re actually fueling your body for the first time, you won’t believe how much energy you have. 2.

Once you start eating a variety of fruits and vegetables you provide yourself with all the building blocks for a robust and responsive immune system. 3. Lets face it, you’ve got to do something with all that extra energy. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Study Determines This Is the Most Relaxing Song Ever.

Looking for something to help you relax before bed that doesn't involve popping a pill? You might want to load up your iPod with a song by Manchester band Marconi Union. Sound therapists were able to rate ten of the most relaxing songs, with Marconi Union's 8 minute trance-inducing tune, "Weightless", coming out on top thanks to its continuous rhythm of 60 BPM, an ideal tempo for synchronization with the heart and brainwaves, making it an ideal audio accompaniment for a good night's rest. Listen to it after the jump… Lyz Cooper, founder of the British Academy of Sound Therapy notes: "While listening, your heart rate gradually comes to match that beat. It is important that the song is eight minutes long because it takes about five minutes for this process, known as entrainment, to occur.

The harmonic intervals - or gaps between notes - have been chosen to create a feeling of euphoria and comfort. 4 Ways to Prevent Upper Back Pain. How to Stock Your Holistic Home Remedy Kit. Make These 5 Healthy Smoothies To Boost Your 5 Weekdays. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day: you’ve heard it a million times because it is true.

This video by The Domestic Geek makes it incredibly difficult to miss breakfast. The Domestic Geek has simple recipes for breakfast smoothies for every day of the week. Smoothies are a great way of getting the fruits and vegetables you need into your body quickly and efficiently. She mentions how the fruit can be frozen beforehand to save even more time. There is a different one for every day of the week so breakfast will never be boring. She starts off with something tropical to brighten up a Monday. Not only will you not be missing the most important meal of the day, you’ll also be giving your body the nutrition it needs and enjoying it at the same time. Featured photo credit: The Domestic Geek via

Alkalifoodlist.pdf. Use These 13 Tips So You Can Fall Asleep Faster. Home Made Cold and Flu Remedy. When a sore throat develops, the immediate response is to get relief, fast. This simple cough drop recipe is simple to whip up and includes common ingredients found in your kitchen. Ingredients: 1 Cup of sugar (for taste) 1/2 Cup of water 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice (packed for Vitamin C for boosting the immune system) 1 Tablespoon of honey (antibacterial, and soothing properties) 1/2 Teaspoon of ground ginger (reduces congestion through anti-inflammatory properties) 1/4 Teaspoon of ground cloves (antiseptic and reduces phlegm) Preparation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Get well! Make These 5 Healthy Smoothies To Boost Your 5 Weekdays. Oh She Glows. Embracing Health. Wellness Mama Blog. Outline of the Internal Family Systems Model.