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Zipper Card Pouch. Have you ever had too many cards that your wallet can handle?

Zipper Card Pouch

Be selective and get only those cards that you might be using in a particular shopping mall but end up they were the wrong one? Or, may be just forgot to “update” the cards in the wallet on your next trip? Can’t find the cards you thought you have already put into your wallet? Sounds familiar….. If you are nodding your head now, you need a pouch for the cards just like me. I am not a big fan of big wallet, with the increasing numbers of cards that I have, my decent size wallet is no longer able to buckle up.

This zipper pouch can hold up to 30 plastic cards (similar to credit cards), and more for thinner cards, business calling card for example. Get the pattern and tutorial to sew one yourself after the jump and don’t have to struggle with the cards anymore. {Get pattern and tutorial on next page.} Pages: 1 2 Get all updates via email: Highlights from Our Partners. Denim Patchwork Pillow. One of the craft blogs I read is hosting a “scrap attack” quilt-along.

Denim Patchwork Pillow

Intervju na OmnisArtu ili kreativni nered i križobolja i giveaway. Kad se moji postovi prorijede, to, pretpostavljam da ste već uočile, ne znači da vas ne pratim, a još manje da sam besposlena.

Intervju na OmnisArtu ili kreativni nered i križobolja i giveaway

Nije da preskačem mrtve ljude po kući, ali, koliko god puta odlučila da ću u relativno malom i skučenom prostoru, koji smo nažalost, jer smo svi skloni sakupljanju, dodatno smanjili, stvari odmah vraćati na za njih određeno mjesto, to se u pravilu događa neko vrijeme, a nakon toga se stvari vrate u normalu i sistem, gdje god nađeš zgodno mjesto, ti nešto uturi, zaživi iznova. Usprkos tome što svaka stvar ima svoje mjesto, ako što novo uđe ili se nešto staro izvadi, a lijena sam baš svaki put, vaditi i vući kutije i gomilu drugih predmeta ponovno iz ormara van, da bih onaj koji sam koristila, vratila na mjesto na dnu ormara koje mu je rasporedom određeno, tutnem ga gdje ugledam slobodnog prostora. How to Make a Ruffle Fabric Flower. What you need: long piece of fabric (mine's around 16 x 1 inches)scissorsneedle and matching threadglue ( if you're more a sticker than a sewer) thread your needle and begin by making a running stitchthrough the middle of your fabric strip stitch all the way to the end, but don't cut your thread!

How to Make a Ruffle Fabric Flower

25 Handmade Gifts Under $5. If your gift list is long and your budget is small here are some great Handmade Gifts that you can make.

25 Handmade Gifts Under $5

Keep in mind that handmade items are not just beautiful but special… I love to give them and I love to receive them. In my opinion they are the best! Jersey Knit Bracelet Lovely! This would make a perfect gift for any of your girlfriends. You can choose the colors and recycle t-shirts that you have around the house. Look to inspire. Loisirs créatifs - Magasin loisirs créatifs, activité manuelle et bricolage. DIY Organizer from Old Window « My so called crafty life. Today I have a fun and versatile craft for you all, we’re going to make an organizer from an old window!

DIY Organizer from Old Window « My so called crafty life

I made mine with some cork, chicken wire and chalkboard painted wood. It’s fairly simple to do, and the best part is that it doesn’t take long at all to make, you could craft one in an afternoon. Here’s What You Need: * An Old Window *Cork Squares *Chalkboard Spray Paint *Chicken Wire. Everyday Mom Ideas: Scrap Paper Tree Centerpiece Tutorial (Featured guest blogger) Hi there! I'm Sharon from Two Girls Being Crafty, and I am so delighted to be today's guest blogger on Everyday Mom Ideas!

Thank you so much, Julia, for having us. My co-blogger, Tristin, and I create fun and inexpensive crafts that anyone could do. Our goal is to inspire. So come check us out! Six paper flowers. It got into my head that I needed to make some paper flowers.

Six paper flowers

I don’t know why. But I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal because the Internet is a veritable smörgåsbord of craft tutorials, and all I had to do was fire up Lappy 5000 and pick one out. About 300,000 search results later, I was no longer any more confident in my ability to make a paper flower than I was in my cat’s ability to retrieve his stupid mouse instead of staring at my hand after I throw it.

There were just too many choices and although I could compare the photos, they didn’t reflect (1) how good each tutorial was, (2) how closely my flower would resemble the picture, or (3) which flowers would look nice together. It was terribly overwhelming. Miniature Fabric Flower Garland. Back in July, Once Wed featured the Free Wedding and a lot of people left comments asking how to recreate the fabric flower garland.

Miniature Fabric Flower Garland

So, I thought I would put together a miniature version of it for everyone. It’s easy to make and can be used in so many ways… hung from the ceiling, attached to the back of chairs, aisle “rope” or laid on the table for an added element. -Ashley of Dolci Odille Supplies: Scissors, needle and thread, fabric, and a pencil. Step 1: Fold your fabric and use the spool of thread to trace a circle. Step 2: Take one circle and fold it in half. Step 3: Take the half circle and fold it in half again. Step 4: Then take your circle and stitch through the bottom. Step 5: Once you have sewn all 6 circles, connect the petals together by stitching through each one at the corners and then tying off the tread with a double knot. Step 6: Next, cut 3 yards of thread and add on the flowers one by one.

Project created by Dolci Odille. How To Create Paper Blossoms. Previous image Next image We've talked about using paper decorations to punch up a last minute party, but there are ways that you can incorporate paper into your everyday décor as well.

How To Create Paper Blossoms

My favorite paper creations of late are tissue paper cherry blossoms, which are as pretty as they are easy to make.A few weeks ago I was charged with the task of decorating a ballroom for my daughter's school auction. The theme was cherry blossoms, and the result was magical…and budget friendly too! MATERIALS• Tree branches (branches with multiple off-shoots are best)• Tissue paper (A few sheets goes a long way.

Yarn Eggs/Balls. Everyone else seems to call them Yarn Eggs but I guess the shape of my balloons was more round, cuss that is how they came out...

Yarn Eggs/Balls

I hope you guys are somewhat excited about this all. I have worked really hard on getting this right and am finally happy with the product. How to Make Cherry Blossom Lights. Crafty / Paper flowers on canvas.. Very easy and very pretty!