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Bibtex key format cutomizable? Bibtex export. Crash Course in LaTeX. So, you want to cite someone else's work in your document?

Crash Course in LaTeX

There are a few steps to make this work, but once you get going, you'll never go back. Why use BiBTeX? If you have ever written a paper with a bibliography, you know that assembling the references, checking the spelling, getting the formatting just so, and living with the inevitable errors is long, hard, and aggrevating. Why do all that work for every paper when you can do it just once? BiBTeX and JabRef work together so that you can concentrate on finding good works to cite rather than on how to cite them.

Overview of using BiBTeX Here's how it works. Creating your BiBTeX Database using JabRef First things first: If you want to cite a document, fist you have to put all the details for that document in a single file called a BiBTeX database. Installing JabRef Download JabRef. For Windows, choose the setup.exe file, download it, and run it. For Mac, choose the one with OSX in the file name and dow whatever Mac people do. Software - The Home of Scientific WorkPlace, Scientific Word, and Scientific Notebook. LaTeXExamples < Main < Vanderbilt Biostatistics Wiki. Template for a Report or Grant Application Section NIH Grant Template (2010) With nothing allowed in header and footer, the new template is much simpler.

LaTeXExamples < Main < Vanderbilt Biostatistics Wiki

Also need myrefstyle.bst in the same folder as the .tex file. NIH Grant Template from Marie Davidian | CTAN Styles Using by Bruce Donald NIH Biosketch Style from Roberto Marabini | Output This was found by the google search This requires biography.sty which is found below. \def\@biblabel#1{} \def\ps@myheadings{\let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo \def\@oddhead{\hfil \rightmark}% \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenhead{\hfil \leftmark}% \def\@evenfoot{}\def\sectionmark##1{}\def\subsectionmark##1{ }} LaTeX for NIH Grant Applications. If you are a computer scientist, you'll want to use LaTeX.

LaTeX for NIH Grant Applications

Some NIH folks are using LaTeX these days: Here is a great site from Dr. Schneider's lab at NIH describing the advantages of LaTeX over Word for your proposal. Quick start: Here is the "blank" version for use with electronic submissions to NIH. Almost all NIH grant applications use this format, so the "blank" format plus the bio sketch is pretty much what you need to write your grant. To get the files: Download from CTAN,, nih.tgz, or my source files. You can also find nih.cls (in the zip file), which has headers and footers. Here is a sample page from one of my R01's, so you can see what these LaTeX files produce. If you make improvements or enhancements (e.g., to the .sty or .tex files) I would be grateful if you could send me a copy, to this Email.

Bib-it: Help - Generate BibTeX styles. Generate BibTeX styles To generate your own BibTeX styles, choose Tools -> Style Generator.

Bib-it: Help - Generate BibTeX styles

Background Reference lists in LaTeX documents To print a reference list in a LaTeX document, you normally use the commands \bibliographstyle{myBibtexstyle} \bibliography{myBibDatabase} LaTeX and BibTeX use the information in the bib database specified, the cite tags in the LaTeX document (e.g.: \cite{Mittelbach2004}) and the BibTeX style to write the list of references in the LaTeX document. LaTeX, bibliography management and styles. LaTeX is a powerful document typesetting system that I recommend for any large technical or academic work.

LaTeX, bibliography management and styles

LaTeX does have a significant learning curve, and works in a very different way to the modern WYSIWYG word processor, but the investment in learning this excellent system will pay dividends again and again. There are numerous front-ends that make learning the system even easier. I store my entire research bibliography in bibtex format, a text-based open format, readable by many different bibliography management programs. I currently use Jabref, but there are many others.

Using BibTeX: a short guide. LaTeX Tips: Top Ten Tips for Bibliographies. How to use Bibtex. Natbib reference sheet. Reference sheet for natbib usage(Describing version 7.0b from 2002/02/27) For a more detailed description of the natbib package, LATEX the source file natbib.dtx.

Natbib reference sheet

Overview The natbib package is a reimplementation of the LATEX \cite command, to work with both author-year and numerical citations. It is compatible with the standard bibliographic style files, such as plain.bst, as well as with those for harvard, apalike, chicago, astron, authordate. Loading Load with \usepackage[options]{natbib}.

Replacement bibliography styles I provide three new .bst files to replace the standard LATEX numerical ones: Zotero with LaTeX and BibTeX - Zotero at MIT. What is LaTeX?

Zotero with LaTeX and BibTeX - Zotero at MIT

LaTeX is a typesetting program that takes a plain text file with various commands in it and converts it to a formatted document based on the commands that it has been given. The source file for the document has a file extension of .tex. It is widely used at MIT for theses and other technical papers due to its prowess with mathematical and foreign characters. For more information on LaTeX, see LaTeX on Athena Basics, provided by the Athena On-Line Help system.