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One nation, under watch. The Virtual Interview: Edward Snowden at the New Yorker Festival. Laura Poitras and Tom Engelhardt, The Snowden Reboot. [Note for TomDispatch Readers: Call me moved.

Laura Poitras and Tom Engelhardt, The Snowden Reboot

I recently went to the premiere of Citizenfour, Laura Poitras's engrossing new film on Edward Snowden, at the New York Film Festival. The breaking news at film's end: as speculation had it this summer, there is indeed at least one new, post-Snowden whistleblower who has come forward from somewhere inside the U.S. intelligence world with information about a watchlist (that includes Poitras) with "more than 1.2 million names" on it and on the American drone assassination program. Here's what moved me, however. My new book, Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower World, ends with a "Letter to an Unknown Whistleblower," whose first lines are: "I don't know who you are or what you do or how old you may be.

Off The Record: How the police use surveillance powers. Today we are publishing a reporthighlighting the true scale of police forces’ use of surveillance powers.

Off The Record: How the police use surveillance powers

The report comes at a time when the powers have faced serious criticism, following revelations that police have used them to access journalists’ phone records. The research focuses on the use of ‘directed surveillance’ contained in the controversial Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) by police forces; a form of covert surveillance conducted in places other than residential premises or private vehicles which is deemed to be non-intrusive, but is still likely to result in personal information about the individual being obtained. Although the report details how directed surveillance powers were authorised more than 27,000 times over a three year period, police forces are not compelled to record any other statistics; therefore we cannot know the exact number of individuals that these authorisations relate to.

Citizenfour Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Edward Snowden Documentary HD. Snowden: A Manifesto for the Truth - Activists Set Up Billboard Near Amazon Asking Company About $600 Million CIA ... John Vibes October 29, 2014 (TheAntiMedia) The CIA recently signed a $600 million deal with Amazon, allegedly for the use of their cloud computing technology.

Activists Set Up Billboard Near Amazon Asking Company About $600 Million CIA ...

The large contract has some users concerned about their privacy, because many of them feel that being on the same cloud as the CIA puts their information at risk. Very few details of this deal have been made public, but concerned Amazon Cloud users want answers, and want the company to promise that they will not share its user’s information with the CIA. New NSA Documents Shine More Light into Black Box of Executive Order 12333. What is arguably the most powerful of the U.S. government's surveillance authorities is also the most secretive, and it operates with the least amount of oversight.

New NSA Documents Shine More Light into Black Box of Executive Order 12333

Today, we're releasing a new set of documents concerning Executive Order 12333 that we — alongside the Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic at Yale Law School — obtained in an ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. US Government Says They Spent $136 Billion On Spying In Past Two Years. John Vibes October 31, 2014 (TheAntiMedia) According to figures recently released by an official US government agency, over $135 Billion dollars was spent on spy technology and spy operations in the past two years.

US Government Says They Spent $136 Billion On Spying In Past Two Years

The figures were released by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) (ODNI) and the Department of Defense and cover the years of 2013 and 2014. According to these numbers, the surveillance industrial complex in America spent exactly what congress allowed both years, $68 billion. 6 cameras 3-way stop. Operation CHAOS.

Operation CHAOS or Operation MHCHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Operation CHAOS

A department within the CIA was established in 1967 on orders from President of the United States Lyndon B. Johnson and later expanded under President Richard Nixon. The operation was launched under Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Richard Helms, by chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus Angleton, and headed by Richard Ober. NSA Impersonated Facebook to Spread Malware, Snowden Docs Show. The Latest Snowden Revelation Is Dangerous for Anonymous — And for All of Us ... The latest Snowden-related revelation is that Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) proactively targeted the communications infrastructure used by the online activist collective known as Anonymous.

The Latest Snowden Revelation Is Dangerous for Anonymous — And for All of Us ...

Specifically, they implemented distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on the internet relay chat (IRC) rooms used by Anonymous. They also implanted malware to out the personal identity details of specific participants. The NSA's crazy fine threat against Yahoo put in perspective. Last week, we learned from the New York Times that in order to acquire the Internet communications of Yahoo’s customers, the U.S. government was willing to impose a $250,000 per day fine for the company’s noncompliance.

The NSA's crazy fine threat against Yahoo put in perspective

_technology_transfer_program. The NSA is renting its technology to U.S. companies. The National Security Agency (NSA), which develops surveillance tools that are both dazzling and terrifying, has been making money on the side by licensing its technology to private businesses for more than two decades.

The NSA is renting its technology to U.S. companies

So if you're looking to buy a tool to transcribe voice recordings in any language, a foolproof method to tell if someone's touched your phone's SIM card, or a version of email encryption that isn't available on the open market, try the world's most technologically advanced spy agency. It's called the Technology Transfer Program (TTP), under which the NSA declassifies some of its technologies that it developed for previous operations, patents them, and, if they're swayed by an American company's business plan and nondisclosure agreements, rents them out. The TTP itself isn't classified, though 2014 is the first year they've published a formal catalog. (Yes, there's a catalog.) Fearmongering NSA Reform. On June 5, 2013, Edward Snowden shocked the world, providing proof that Americans were being spied on by their own government.

Fearmongering NSA Reform

Some praised him as a hero, others condemned him as a traitor, but there was general consensus that the NSA had severely overstepped its bounds. Reform was needed, fast. Over the course of the last year, we saw strong reform proposals introduced into Congress, only to be eviscerated in the eleventh hour. We saw Republicans and Democrats, who don't agree on much, join together on NSA reform – even though they were opposed by a group of powerful pro-surveillance hawks. And, in July, we saw this do-nothing Congress accomplish something remarkable – take a step closer to actually addressing this important issue. New Documents Shed Light on One of the NSA's Most Powerful Tools. Today, we're releasing several key documents about Executive Order 12333 that we obtained from the government in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that the ACLU filed (along with the Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic at Yale Law School) just before the first revelations of Edward Snowden.

The documents are from the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and others agencies. They confirm that the order, although not the focus of the public debate, actually governs most of the NSA's spying. In some ways, this is not surprising. After all, it has been reported that some of the NSA's biggest spying programs rely on the executive order, such as the NSA's interception of internet traffic between Google's and Yahoo!

's data centers abroad, the collection of millions of email and instant-message address books, the recording of the contents of every phone call made in at least two countries, and the mass cellphone location-tracking program. Fake Occupy Central app targets activists’ smartphones with spyware. WikiLeaks makes FinFisher surveillance software available to public. More in News President signs Executive Order to improve payment security President Obama signed an Executive Order at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau calling for enhanced security measures, including microchips and PINs. Security, tech firm coalition fights Hikit actors, other ... The coalition began as an effort to stop the spread of the Hikit trojan, previously known for targeting U.S. defense contractors. Phishing email delivers keylogger malware, also takes screenshots.

How surveillance cameras will soon be reading lips. “Eyes Over Washington” - EPIC Obtains New Documents About Surveillance Blimps. Securing Our Data Should Come First. This post was first published as part of the New York Times Room for Debate feature "Apple vs. the Law," which asked: How much should tech companies cooperate with the government on data access? Apple's new encryption policy is a victory for privacy, security and free speech. We should encourage other companies to safeguard their customer's data in the same way. In an era of cyber insecurity, strong encryption is more critical than ever.

The F.B.I. has suggested that instead of protecting its users from those threats, Apple — and presumably every other tech company — should weaken its encryption by building in a backdoor to all of our secrets. As security experts have observed, this is a disastrous idea. And requiring the tech companies to build backdoors will not make it any easier to capture sophisticated criminals. Twitter Sues the Government for Violating Its First Amendment Rights. Then One/WIRED Twitter just sued the federal government over restrictions the government places on how much the company can disclose about surveillance requests it receives. For months, Twitter has tried to negotiate with the government to expand the kind of information that it and other companies are allowed to disclose. But it failed. On the Creation of Giant Voiceprint Databases.

Senior NSA official moonlighting for private cybersecurity firm. The former director of the National Security Agency has enlisted the US surveillance giant’s current chief technology officer for his lucrative cybersecurity business venture, an unusual arrangement undercutting Keith Alexander’s assurances he will not profit from his connections to the secretive, technologically sophisticated agency. Patrick Dowd continues to work as a senior NSA official while also working part time for Alexander’s IronNet Cybersecurity, a firm reported to charge up to $1m a month for advising banks on protecting their data from hackers.

It is exceedingly rare for a US official to be allowed to work for a private, for-profit company in a field intimately related to his or her public function. Reuters, which broke the story of Dowd’s relationship with IronNet, reported that the NSA is reviewing the business deal. “I’m a cyber guy. FBI Director: If Apple and Google Won't Decrypt Phones, We'll Force Them To. Law Enforcement Creating a National DNA Database Using New Orwellian Portable... Spray paint cannon. The NSA Archive. How To Delete Facebook, Google, Twitter Search Data. Social networks make millions off your data, but they don't need to know everything. Here's how to clear your search history from three top sites. Snowden. Now ur safe. 4 Simple Changes to Stop Online Tracking.

<b>Whoa, you aren't browsing with Javascript, congratulations! You probably don't need this tutorial, which will look broken for you. Just install an adblocker with a privacy/tracking protection list, block third-party cookies, block referers, and install HTTPS Everywhere. 1984 is here. Invasion of the Data Snatchers: Big Data and the Internet of Things Means the... This piece originally ran at Estimates vary, but by 2020 there could be over 30 billion devices connected to the Internet. 7 Ways to Reclaim Your Digital Privacy. Privacy, we say, is about to come roaring back. No, it’s not too late.

Yes, we know that Google monetizes both our emails and our search histories. It’s true that data brokers market our personal dossiers, listing everything from our favorite blogs to our old parking tickets (identity thieves must love it). Edward Snowden: Here’s How We Take Back The Internet. Appearing by telepresence robot, Edward Snowden speaks at TED2014 about surveillance and Internet freedom. June 5th, 2014: Reset the Net. 20140307ATT80674EN.pdf. The FBI Just Finished Its Insane New Facial Recognition System. How to Use Edward Snowden’s Three Tips for Digital Privacy - Personal Tech News. Digital surveillance: How you're being tracked every day - Interactive - Andre Mayer and Michael Pereira, CBC News Last Updated: March 7, 2014 Every day, we surrender personal information. Some of it is voluntary, like the stuff we post on social media. But our digital footprint is much bigger than that.

As it turns out, third-party marketers, law enforcement groups and spy agencies can also see what we're up to. How the NSA Plans to Infect 'Millions' of Computers with Malware. Microsoft.


Fun and Games With Stratfor: APD and DPS collaborated with private 'geopoliti... Trustycon: how to redesign NSA surveillance to catch more criminals and spy o... So you think you have nothing to hide... Sauron. Prism. Bernie sanders nsa. The Troubling Link Between Facebook's Emotion Study and Pentagon Research. Spying Together: Germany's Deep Cooperation with the NSA. NSA searched data troves for 198 'identifiers' of Americans' information. In NSA-intercepted data, those not targeted far outnumber the foreigners who are.

80% stored calls. 10 George Orwell Quotes that Predicted Life in 2014 America. World by NSA. Meet the Muslim-American Leaders the FBI and NSA Have Been Spying On - The In... US government says online storage isn't protected by the Fourth Amendment. The NSA's Other Privacy Loophole. New July 14 Edward Snowden NSA Leaks GCHQ Attacks and Censors Internet. 42 Years for Snowden Docs Release, Free All Now. Every word. Nwo. All seeing. Nsa-identity-spy. Knock it off. He NSA in Germany: Snowden's Documents Available for Download. NBC News Predicts RFID Chips in Humans by 2017. NSA Working With Denmark, Germany To Access 'Three Terabits Of Data Per Second' From Overseas Cables. Can trust. N.S.A. Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images. Fuck the gov't. 1984 instructions. New Pennsylvania law allows school districts to record student conversations on buses. Plans to expand scope of license-plate readers alarm privacy advocates.

US. Government Funded Your Favorite 'NSA-Proof' Apps. NSA ‘third party’ partners tap the Internet backbone in global surveillance program. No one cares. WIKILEAKS: Surveillance Cameras Around The Country Are Being Used In A Huge Spy Network. Obama big brother. Because terrorism. Camera flag. What, besides phone records, does the NSA collect in bulk? アノニマス: 大阪 オペレーション・シビュラ / Anonymous: Osaka, Operation Sybil. Anonymous: Osaka, Operation Sybil. The top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant. NSA performed warrantless searches on Americans' calls and emails – Clapper. INDECT. Engelhardt, Thug State U.S.A. The new totalitarianism of surveillance technology. Another government agency is eyeing your telephone data. And it’s not the NSA.

Stay Anonymous

NSA Surveillance Lawsuit Tracker. 29 Scary Reasons You Should Join the Massive Internet Protest Against the NSA on Tuesday - Mic. Comically. Manually.