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World’s oldest working digital computer reboots at Bletchley Park. THE WORLD'S OLDEST working digital computer, the Harwell Dekatron or 'Witch' will be rebooted today at the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park.

World’s oldest working digital computer reboots at Bletchley Park

The Witch is being rebooted at Bletchley Park after a three year restoration project. It was originally built in 1951, is 2 metres high and weighs 2.5 tonnes. Unlike today's computers the Witch is something of an event machine, and its fitting that you can go and see it in a museum. It has 828 flashing Dekatron valves, 480 relays and a bank of paper tape readers. "In 1951 the Harwell Dekatron was one of perhaps a dozen computers in the world, and since then it has led a charmed life surviving intact while its contemporaries were recycled or destroyed," said Kevin Murrell, trustee of the museum. "As the world's oldest original working digital computer, it provides a wonderful contrast to our Rebuild of the wartime Colossus, the world's first semi-programmable electronic computer. " Le voyage supraluminique est possible, selon la NASA.

Une imprimante 3D à 350 dollars. Pirate3D lance Buccaneer, l’imprimante 3D grand public à assembler soit-même pour 347 dollars. Alors que l’impression 3D tente à se démocratiser, un petit nouveau, en provenance d’une entreprise basée à Singapour, vient concurrencer la Cube et la Replicator de Makerbot (respectivement vendues 1299 dollars et 1956 dollars)… Et c’est le prix qui va leur faire mal : 347 dollars ! Ultra compacte, le Buccaneer de Pirate3D fait 25 x 25 x 35 cm et construit des objets de 15 x 10 x 12 cm avec une précision de 100 microns. L’engin en aluminium ne possède aucun bouton, et se connecte aux périphériques réseau via Wi-Fi. Un filtre est par contre présent à l’arrière pour évacuer les odeurs produites par le processus d’impression.

Alors que dans les magasins Top Office s’arment actuellement de Makerbot, Pirate 3D tente de conquérir directement l’utilisateur final avec une imprimante low-cost. Le projet Kickstarter a réussi à rassembler les fonds nécessaires en 10 minutes chrono ! [Source : 1 / 2 ] MIT discovers a new state of matter, a new kind of magnetism. Researchers at MIT have discovered a new state of matter with a new kind of magnetism.

MIT discovers a new state of matter, a new kind of magnetism

This new state, called a quantum spin liquid (QSL), could lead to significant advances in data storage. QSLs also exhibit a quantum phenomenon called long-range entanglement, which could lead to new types of communications systems, and more. Generally, when we talk about magnetism’s role in the realm of technology, there are just two types: Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism.

Ferromagnetism has been known about for centuries, and is the underlying force behind your compass’s spinning needle or the permanent bar magnets you played with at school. In ferromagnets, the spin (i.e. charge) of every electron is aligned in the same direction, causing two distinct poles. In the case of quantum spin liquids, the material is a solid crystal — but the internal magnetic state is constantly in flux. The existence of QSLs has been theorized since 1987, but until now no one has succeeded in actually finding one. SmARtDUINO: Open System by former ARDUINO's manufacturer by Dimitri Albino. Check the details in our update (click here).

smARtDUINO: Open System by former ARDUINO's manufacturer by Dimitri Albino

All the details are available in the public update (click here). You can read all the details in our update (click here). All the details are reported in our update (click here). smARtDUINO is the newest and easiest tool to create electronic projects. How easy? SmARtDUINO is the most advanced platform for the creation of electronic projects and even products. It is the only platform that is not based on a single processor, architecture or language but, in-fact, leverages a "universal" or common platform that can be used to connect components originally developed from different companies, technologies and form factors.
