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Boris hoppek - just the plain accurate artwork, seriously!! - nude-21.jpg. Online Gallery. What everyone's posting right now. Newer posts are loading. You are at the newest post.Click here to check if anything new just came in. March 2 2016 “ Nie jestem zbyt dobra w ubieraniu uczuć w słowa i przez to ciągle wywołuję nieporozumienia. Chciałam powiedzieć, że Cię lubię. -Midori ” — Haruki Murakami "Norwegian Wood" Reposted by edhell “ do wszystkich soupowiczek !!! — róbcie głupie rzeczy, je się najlepiej wspomina, nawet jak są w chuj idiotyczne “ Wszystko jest stratą czasu, chyba że człowiek pieprzy się w najlepsze, tworzy w najlepsze, ma się jak najlepiej albo zmierza w kierunku ułudy pod tytułem miłość i szczęście.

. — bukowski December 7 2015 How to Celebrate National Jewel Day “ a co jak to już się nie powtórzy... ” “ i wiesz co żałuje, że to się tak skończyło miałam ochotę na wiecej ” — xD Older posts are this way If this message doesn't go away, click anywhere on the page to continue loading posts. Young gifted and black : Search results. Janet and i met yesterday, she was abandoned in a bush. Watch and share - I AM NOT AN ARTIST - AN ANIMATED GIF PARANOIA ABOUT NONSTOP DESIGN WORKERS. Todd James - 12ozProphet. This article was posted by Reas 3 years, 3 months, 1 week, 16 hours, 42 minutes ago. “Times of Grace” A new book of my friend John Copelands work. large format hardcover book printed in the Netherlands with new paintings and drawings, along with some additional works from the last few years. available here This article was posted by Reas 3 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours, 57 minutes ago.

This article was posted by Reas 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks, 1 Day, 17 hours, 3 minutes ago. “Somali Pirate” Stone Lithograph Print 2010 Five Available Now! This article was posted by Reas 3 years, 4 months, 6 days, 7 hours, 50 minutes ago. Thanks everyone who traveled in the snow, it warms my heart. Alice rocking red just like Santa cause shes gifted and its snowing outside.

Fred and his girl with the fur hat Michael LA MJC getting his blog on "Dumparoo" fighter jet sculptures sold out!!! Todd James Meets the Pope of Dope from dirty south of Belgium. GANG BANG BONG. 1028. Artwork of Jason Limon. Home. Spumco (the creators of Ren & Stimpy) - Boo Boo Runs Wild - Channel: Maxtaro on LiveVideo. @ 66.6% (RGB/Preview) Inspiring images and videos recently added to we heart it / visual bookmark. NIN3. Who Killed Bambi? Bloody Good Art - Contemporary Art Blog. FECAL FACE DOT COM. . - Pitchfork Music Festival 2011. Hipster. Hipsters couldn't incite more blind hatred if they were all ginger-haired Al-Qaeda members. But why? Could it be their taste in music? Fashion sense? Attitude of superiority? Perhaps. Just The Facts The term arose in the 40's to describe middle class whites acting like black musicians, now referred to as "nerdcore".

A Brief History of Smug "Hipster" is another one of those subcultures that is hard to nail down. "You just don't appreciate the genius of Spoon like I do. " While most well adjusted members of society view music as an enjoyable addendum to life, perhaps a distraction or even a hobby, hipsters know that music is serious business. Judging a Book by (What Pitchfork Says About) Its Cover If asked to define what it is to be a hipster, one might be tempted to give a number of answers. This would mean I lose if I wasn't listening to it to be ironic. Hipsters must therefore strive at all times to stay a step ahead of everyone else. Next year I'll be appointed Secretary of Bad Decisions!

San Francisco International Film Festival. San Francisco International Film Festival (abbreviated as SFIFF) is among the longest running film festivals in the Americas. Organized by the San Francisco Film Society, the International is held each spring for two weeks, presenting around 200 films from over 50 countries annually. The Festival highlights current trends in international film and video production with an emphasis on work that has not yet secured U.S. distribution. Since its inception, the International has grown to serve over 70,000 patrons, with screenings held in San Francisco and Berkeley.[1] SFIFF is currently programmed by SFFS Director of Programming Rachel Rosen, Programmers Rod Armstrong and Sean Uyehara, Golden Gate Awards Manager Audrey Chang and Programming Coordinator Joseph Flores.[5] The 57th annual festival will take place April 24 to May 8, 2014 at the Sundance Kabuki Cinemas, the Castro Theatre, and New People Cinema in San Francisco, and the Pacific Film Archive Theater in Berkeley.[6] History[edit]