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Anti-inflammatory-food-pyramid.jpg (JPEG Image, 705 × 693 pixels) Eating Style Quiz - From YouBeauty. Be Your Most Beautiful You Highlight your eye color. Flaunt your body shape. Harness your confidence. Take our quizzes to better know yourself and get science-based, individualized advice to embrace your true beauty. Sexual Satisfaction Quiz. How to Clear a Blocked Nose. 100 Simple Nutrition Tips | Midway Simplicity. “Man Is What He Eats” – Lucretius Good nutrition is one of the most important factors for good health. You can dramatically improve your health by doing simple adjustments to your eating habits. You’ll notice a big difference in your energy levels if you regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low- or non-fat dairy. There is no doubt that eating well can maximize our life experience.

One of the best resources that I’ve found on the topic of health and well-being is “8 Weeks To Optimum Health” by Dr. Andrew Weil I urge you to get a copy today and start following Dr. Do you have more nutrition tips that you can share with us? Find your passion and what matters most to you in less than 30 minutes using … The P.A.S Technique 2.0: The World’s Easiest Way To Find Your Passion and Purpose In Life? For more simple living tips follow me on Twitter @MidSimplicity *Photo Credit: by Pink Sherbet Photography.