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Introduction to Social Network Methods: Table of Contents. Robert A. Hanneman and Mark Riddle Introduction to social network methods Table of contents About this book This on-line textbook introduces many of the basics of formal approaches to the analysis of social networks. You are invited to use and redistribute this text freely -- but please acknowledge the source. Hanneman, Robert A. and Mark Riddle. 2005. Table of contents: Preface1. CASOS: Home. Social Networking Software Kwiqq. Groundswell (Incorporating Charlene Li's Blog): The future. By Charlene Li On Monday, I gave the kick off speech for the Graphing Social Patterns West conference on the topic, “The Future Of Social Networks” (slides are available on SlideShare, summaries available on, ReadWriteWeb, and allfacebook.)

Note that this is still ongoing research, so I welcome your comments. I set my time frame for the long term – five, even ten years out. That’s because unless we know where we want to end up, how could we ever craft a strategy to get there? For inspiration, I thought about my grade-school kids, who in ten years will be in the midst of social network engagement. I believe they (and we) will look back to 2008 and think it archaic and quaint that we had to go to a destination like Facebook or LinkedIn to “be social”. Instead, I believe that in the future, social networks will be like air. There are four components of what I’m calling this idea of “ubiquitous social networks”: 1) Profiles; 2) Relationships; 3) Activities; and 4) Business models. Slideshows tagged with social-network (share powerpoint presenta. JCMC Vol 13 Issue 1.

Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Book.