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JFerree: Content Marketing Strategies 2013

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Ramp Up for 2013 with 64 Content Marketing Essentials. 10 Social Media Strategy Audit Questions to Help Your Business in 2013. Step-by-Step Guide to your Social Media Success. How to Build and Operate a Content Marketing Machine. Content Marketing is hot. White hot. SEO and digital marketing thought leaders are declaring that Content Marketing is the next big thing.

Even Rand is touting its importance. The strategy of Content Marketing makes sense: instead of pushing messages about your product at prospects, pull prospects towards you by publishing content about your prospects’ interests. Search rank, traffic, leads and all sort of goodness flow from this approach. So the conversation is no longer about if or why an organization should practice Content Marketing. So if you’re wondering “How?” The Machine First, let’s take a look at the machine, all of its pistons, cogs, smokestacks and miscellaneous parts.

Now we’ll go over the machine, part by part. Goals & Plan What is the goal, the end output for your Content Marketing Machine? Your plan then becomes to create a content-powered path that takes your prospect from where they are today to the end goal. Team So you’ve got a plan. Ideas Production Audience Development. How to Build and Operate a Content Marketing Machine. How to Build a DIY Content Marketing System. The Ultimate Content Marketing Plan Outline. Content, marketing, SEO — it’s all the same to me. And that’s exactly how you should approach your content marketing strategy. Every good project start has a great exploration phase before the strategy can be put together. The questions you ask upfront, the research you put in, the benchmarks you set and the expectations you define are all part of a great content marketing plan. So today, I’m going to share with you a guide for the content marketing plan outline — a great start to creating a thorough content marketing strategy.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but a fantastic start to touching every part of a business so you have the data you need. What comes next is creativity and flexibility — how you will use this data to create a great strategy for the business, and how that will change over time based on performance, new data or new initiatives. Benchmark Where the Business Is Today Get an understanding of how the business is performing online today to get a baseline.