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CLOSED-LOOP: Interesting: Continuous Integration vs. Feature Branches. Git, Mercurial and Bazaar - A Comparison. Open-source Version Control Systems have come a long way since the days of CVS.

Git, Mercurial and Bazaar - A Comparison

SVN, one of the most successful VCS to be ever used, is now loosing its ground to a new genre of VCS known as DVCS or Distributed Version Control Systems. A DVCS or Distributed Version Control System is a version control software where each working copy contains the full history of all the revisions, thereby making it a fully functional code-base repository and a remote backup to the original code-base. With the increasing size of teams working on the same code-base, the need for DVCS was apparent. We are going to compare the three most popular open-source DVCSs – i.e.