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What is Agile BI? A question that is posed by many people is, "what is Agile BI, what does it mean?

What is Agile BI?

" Because it is not blindingly obvious, many think it is just another set of weasel words, being casually used to try and dress up offerings, and make them appear more than just the same old stuff being trotted out again. Surprisingly, for those who knew me, rather than supporting this cynical point of view I wish to dispel it, and affirm what these guys are trying to do. For those of us who have worked in BI for many years, it has always been an area of contention. It does not really fit in an IT department, we lack their Enterprise mind set, going for quick turn around, flexible solutions, we have always been used to users who cannot articulate clearly what they want, so we have been flexible and tried to be responsive. So what is Agile BI? Where does that leave those of us who work in BI? 200+ herramientas gratuitas de Estadística y Data Mining. 22+ herramientas gratuitas para visualización y análisis. He aquí una recopilación realizada por Computerworld, sobre herramientas gratuitas para visualización y análisis de datos.

22+ herramientas gratuitas para visualización y análisis

La revisión incluye un breve resumen de algunas de las opciones más conocidas y otras no tanto, pero que aparentan ser una gran promesa. El nivel requerido para el uso de estas herramientas va desde lo extremadamente fácil (es decir, cualquier persona, que puede hacer una hoja de cálculo) hasta expertos (personas raras que meten mano al código). Todos comparten una característica importante: Son gratis. Su única inversión: el tiempo. Esperamos sea de utilidad y posteen sus comentarios! Data Cleaning01. Análisis Estadístico03. Aplicaciones y Servicios de Visualización04. Código de Ayuda, Asistentes, Librerías y APIs10. Visualización Geoespacial Desktop (GIS)15. Visualización Geoespacial Web (GIS)16. Análisis Temporal de Datos19. Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse, CRM y mucho mas...: Geojsp, open source for geobi. Opensource component for geo-BI infrastructure. OLAP Server and Business Intelligence Reporting. SpagoBI. Proyectos de BI open source en Cloud. Entrevista a CEO de Jaspersoft - - Noticias, TODOS, Open Source / Software Libre, PDF.

Open Source ETL (Extraction, Transform, Load) Written in Java. Share the article!

Open Source ETL (Extraction, Transform, Load) Written in Java

Ever think that XSLT is too inflexible, too heavywieght or just plain too complex to use? If your answer is yes, then here’s a review of open source java projects that help you do ETL (i.e. Extract, Transform and Load) in a easy and scalable manner. Octopus – Octopus is a simple Java-based Extraction, Transform, and Loading (ETL) tool. It may connect to any JDBC data sources and perform transformations defined in an XML file. Let me know if there are anymore that I may have missed.

Open Source ETL (Extraction, Transform, Load) Written in Java. ¡Vaya! Google Chrome no ha podido encontrar la página Best Practices for Backing Up and Restoring Your System: Best Practices for Backing Up Your SAS System. Best Practices for Backing Up and Restoring Your System: Best Practices for Restoring Your System. GotStat - Statistics, marketing and a lot of SAS. StudySAS Blog.

SAS Tips and Techniques. Open Source Business Intelligence - Open Source Reporting, ETL & Data Integration and OLAP. Business Analytics and Business Intelligence Software.