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Unit 2

Facebook Twitter Solving Word Problems in Algebra Practice. Home » Inequalities » Inequality Word Problems » Word Problems Practice Are you ready to practice inequalities by solving these word problems? Yes... I do know the answer by now - but - I know you can do it! Now, I want you to prove it to yourself. Let's quickly recap a few things and you'll be on your way! Let's keep these key words for inequalities handy: at least - means greater than or equal to no more than - means less than or equal to more than - means greater than less than - means less than Work through each problem slowly and start by identifying your variables.

Once you've written the inequality, the hard work is done and you are ready to solve! Don't forget to check your answers at the end. Ok... get to work! Practice Problems Answer Key Problem 1 Did you notice how once you solve the inequality you were able to answer the question? Problem 2 Great Job! Now you are ready to move on to Graphing Inequalities ***z-adsense-med-rectangle.shtml*** Other Pages You Might Like Top of the Page. Solving Inequalities in One Variable Practice Problems. Home » Inequalities » Solving Inequalities » Inequalities Practice Problems Now that you've studied the many examples for solving inequalities, are you ready for some practice problems? Let's quickly recap some of the steps for solving these practice problems.

Steps for Solving Inequalities Solve the inequality as you would an equation which means that "whatever you do to one side, you must do to the other side". If you multiply or divide by a negative number, REVERSE the inequality symbol. Steps for Graphing Your Solution to the Inequality Use an open circle on the graph if your inequality symbol is greater than or less than. Now you get a chance to solve a few on your own. Directions: Solve each inequality and graph the solution. Answer Key Problem 1 Notice how I had to divide by a negative one in order to make the variable positive.

Problem 2 This problem looked tricky only because I had to first simplify the right hand side. So, how did you do? Variable Expressions.pdf. Solving Equations: Properties of Equality. Multi-step word problems (7th grade math practice) Evaluate variable expressions involving rational numbers (Algebra practice) Evaluate variable expressions for number sequences (Algebra practice) Math Games Arcade - Solving Two-Step Equations. Math Games Arcade - Like Terms Invaders. PreAlgebra Ponderings Activity. Possible Ways to Use This Activity in the Classroom: Projected in the Classroom: 1.

"Jeopardy" style class game: • Have a classroom jeopardy-style game. Split the class in half to form two teams. Students choose topics and all students must show the work for that problem. As teams give answers, to secure points, the other team can challenge if the answer is incorrect. 2. 3. 4. 5. Used in a Computer Lab or Laptop Setting: 1. 2. 3.

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