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RequireJS. Backbone.js. Zombies! RUN! (Managing Page Transitions In Backbone Apps) One of the common issues or questions I see for Backbone.js goes something like this: “Whenever I hit the same route more than once, I end up getting seeing this call being made multiple times.

Zombies! RUN! (Managing Page Transitions In Backbone Apps)

It seems to accumulate another call every time I hit the route. Backbone patterns. Building apps with Backbone.js Here, I try to document the good practices that our team has learned along the way building Backbone applications.

Backbone patterns

This document assumes that you already have some knowledge of Backbone.js, jQuery, and of course, JavaScript itself. Table of contents Thanks. JsPerf: JavaScript performance playground. JavaScript Garden. Although JavaScript deals fine with the syntax of two matching curly braces for blocks, it does not support block scope; hence, all that is left in the language is function scope. function test() { // a scope for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // not a scope // count } console.log(i); // 10} There are also no distinct namespaces in JavaScript, which means that everything gets defined in one globally shared namespace.

JavaScript Garden

Each time a variable is referenced, JavaScript will traverse upwards through all the scopes until it finds it.