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Stretching - Etirements

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Sommaire des Exercices de stretching. Le stretching ne se réduit pas à la recherche d'une plus grande souplesse, les exercices d'étirements ne vous rendrons plus souple que si vous les pratiquer régulièrement et correctement, en n'oubliant pas que l'objectif de tous ces exercices de stretching est d'accroître votre bien-être. Ces exercices ont été conçus pour vous permettre de connaitre ce qu'est un étirement. Lorsque vous saurez maîtriser le stretching. Vous n'aurez aucune difficultés à effectuer l'ensemble des exercices présentés dans ce site. Les illustrations 3D de chaque exercices, représentent les méthodes étirements complets. Vous pouvez les reproduire ou vous en inspirer.

Ne vous imposez aucune contrainte, faites selon vos possibilités en adaptant chaque exercice à vos capacités, variable selon les jours. Stretching et d'étirements : Guide des exercices de stretching, des étirements, des assouplissements et des exercices de relaxation. Stretching for Runners: Stretching is a form of exercise in which specific muscles are stretched in order to build flexibility and relieve tension. Believe it or not, stretching is one of the most controversial subjects in exercise and sport. For many years, experts, would-be experts, athletes, and coaches have disagreed about many aspects of stretching. Runners following a training program tend to focus on building endurance and speed.

Yet, a flexible body is more efficient, sees more gains in strength and endurance, enjoys more range of motion, is less injury-prone, recovers more quickly, and simply feels better. Before stretching, always jog at least 10 minutes to warm up the muscles. Studies suggest using just one form of stretching is not as beneficial as using a variety of stretching routines. Cool Running | Stay Loose: Stretches for Runners. By Josh ClarkPosted Sunday, 31 March, 2002 There's an endless number of runners who seem perfectly able to squeeze in many hours of running every week but who just don't seem to have the time to stretch for five or ten minutes before and after. Find the time. Sure, it's not as fun as hitting the road, and the benefits may not be as immediately obvious. But a good and consistent stretching program can save you a lot of trouble and keep you running when you might otherwise become injured. Along with training gently and choosing the right shoes, stretching is the most important thing you can do to protect your body from the rigors of the road.

That said, you should be careful about how you stretch. Do not stretch beyond the point where you begin to feel tightness in the muscle. Build stretching into your regular schedule both before and after your daily run -- it's best to do your pre-run stretching after a gentle warmup run of five or ten minutes, since "warm" muscles stretch more easily.