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"What" & "Which" in Spanish: QUÉ or CUÁL? Spanisch lernen - Lernmaterial - Sprachheld. Case Study: Wie ich Spanisch in 3 Monaten lernte - Sprachheld. 'Good' & 'well' in Spanish: Bueno, buen, or bien? The letters LL and Y in Spanish. Learn Spanish – POR or PARA? Cómo Aprender Inglés (por tu cuenta) 10 common questions in Spanish. Imperative - Lingolia Spanish. Introduction In Spanish, the imperative is called the imperativo.

Imperative - Lingolia Spanish

We use this form for demands and orders when we are addressing one or more people directly. Beispiel Pasajero: Paremos un taxi. ¡Taxi! Conductor: ¡Subid! Pasajero: ¡Llévanos a la estación! Conductor: Abrochaos los cinturones. Pasajero: ¡Listo, vámonos! Usage. Learn Spanish Grammar - Reflexive Verbs in Spanish. Learn Spanish - Talking about where you live. Learn Spanish - Tú or Usted? 6 RAZONES por las que OVERWATCH lo ESTÁ PETANDO TANTO. Cómo aprender inglés: 15 pasos. Pasos Parte 1 de 3: Mejorar tu inglés hablado.

Cómo aprender inglés: 15 pasos

Spanish Writing & Pronunciation: Top tricks and tips. Learn how to talk about "mine" & "yours" in Spanish. The verb 'to know' in Spanish: 'SABER' and 'CONOCER' Personal Pronouns in Spanish. Los 7 momentos MÁS LOCOS de Dark Souls 3. Spanish Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners.


Learn how to say numbers in Spanish. Do you say 'beber' or 'tomar' in Spanish? Adjective Comparative Forms - Lingolia Spanish. Introduction We use comparative forms when we are comparing two or more things with each other.

Adjective Comparative Forms - Lingolia Spanish

There are three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, and superlative. Beispiel María es tan rápida como Carolina. Clara es más rápida que María. Comparative. Learn the Top 10 Phrases to Amaze Native Speakers in Spanish. "To play" in Spanish: "JUGAR" & "TOCAR" OVERWATCH: EL MEJOR JUEGO DEL AÑO. Subject Pronouns. Home / Grammar / Topic Notes: The written lesson is below.Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left.

Subject Pronouns

A verb is an action word. run sit eat sink swim study The main form of a verb is called the infinitive. To run to sit to eat to sink to swim to study. Verben auf Spanisch. Wann verwende ich welche Zeit? Spanish Listening Comprehension for Beginners. Pretérito Indefinido - Lingolia Spanish. Introduction The pretérito indefinido (simple past) is used for completed actions in the past that took place once and/or interrupted an action that was already taking place.

Pretérito Indefinido - Lingolia Spanish

Beispiel El año pasado llegó una chica nueva a clase. Era china, de Pekín. Con un mapa, nos explicó todo sobre su país y su ciudad. Me encantó conocerla, pero justo cuando empezábamos a ser amigos de verdad, tuvo que marcharse. Usage Construction We remove the infinitive ending ar/er/ir and add the following endings instead (same for er/ir): Pretérito Imperfecto - Lingolia Spanish. Introduction The pretérito imperfecto (past continuous form) emphasises the progression or the regular repetition of an action that took place in the past.

Pretérito Imperfecto - Lingolia Spanish

Beispiel A Rubén le encantaba el fútbol. Adjectives Part Two. Home / Grammar / Topic Notes: The written lesson is below.Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left.

Adjectives Part Two

Many adjectives of nationality end in -o. These adjectives follow the same rules as other adjectives ending in -o. That is, they have four forms. el muchacho mexicano la muchacha mexicana los muchachos mexicanos las muchachas mexicanas. Dibujar con Photoshop en 5 minutos. Mezclar colores. Dibujar Futuro Imperfecto o Futuro Simple - Lingolia Spanish. Pretérito Indefinido - Lingolia Spanish. Learn Spanish with Extra en español Ep1 Spanish subtitles by Spanish Tutors Hong Kong. How to use the verb "to leave" in Spanish: "Dejar" "To bring" in Spanish: "Llevar" or "Traer"? The difference between cuarto de baño and baño. Hi there, Cuarto de baño = bathroom.

the difference between cuarto de baño and baño

This one is easy to remember because cuarto means (among other things) room, as in a room in your house. ¡Estás castigado, quédate en tu cuarto! - You're grounded stay in your room! Cuarto holds the same meaning as habitación but it is used in specific cases. Baño means a bath: Voy a darme un baño. But you'll usually hear from native speakers use the word baño when referring to the toilet. Necesito ir al baño. - I need to go to the toilet. And sometimes we use baño when we should use cuarto de baño, just because of economy of the language (to shorten phrases): ¿Cuántos baños tiene esta casa? Presente - Lingolia Spanish. Introduction The present indicative or el presente/el presente de indicativo is similar to the simple present tense in English grammar.

Presente - Lingolia Spanish

We use this to tense to speak about actions in the present and near future. It describes routine or repeated actions as well as permanent situations. Learn the conjugation patterns for regular and irregular verbs in the present tense and the rules for usage. In the exercises, you can test your knowledge. Example. Futuro Imperfecto o Futuro Simple - Lingolia Spanish. Presente - Lingolia Spanish. Pretérito Indefinido - Lingolia Spanish. Futuro Imperfecto o Futuro Simple - Lingolia Spanish. Learn Spanish with Extra espanol ep3 subtitles spanish by Photoshop - Estilizar figura, retocar cuerpo, aumentar pechos. Tutorial en español HD. Learn Spanish with Extra espanol ep2 Subtitles in spanish by Spanish Tutors Hong Kong.

¿Cómo Diseñar una Cocina? #ArquitectoMartinBonari. Cómo Leer Un Libro a la Semana (sin apenas darte cuenta) OVERWATCH: NUEVO HEROE: ANA, IMPRESION DEL TRAILER. Extra en Español Ep 04 Sam busca un trabajo. The Personal "a" Home / Grammar / Topic Notes: The written lesson is below.Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left.

The Personal "a"

The direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. In the following sentences, the direct objects are underlined. Mike hit the ball. In Spanish, when the direct object is a person, it is preceded by the preposition "a. " Jorge llama a María. From the perspective of the English speaker, the personal "a" appears to be an extra word. Jorge llama a María. The personal "a" may also be used if the direct object is a domesticated animal, especially a pet, provided that the speaker attaches some sort of personal feelings towards the animal. La mujer acaricia a su perro. Contractions. Home / Grammar / Topic Notes: The written lesson is below.Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left. When a or de precedes the definite article el, the two words combine to form a contraction.

That is, two words become one. a + el = al de + el = del. Stem-Changing Verbs: o:ue. Home / Grammar / Topic Notes: The written lesson is below.Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left. Pretérito Indefinido - Lingolia Spanish. Definite and Indefinite Articles. Home / Grammar / Topic Notes: The written lesson is below.Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left. The difference between definite articles and indefinite articles can be observed in the following two sentences: Give me the chocolate chip cookie.Give me a cookie, please.

Imagine a plate full of cookies. The first sentence speaks of a particular (or definite) cookie: Trump presionó al director del FBI para que cerrase la investigación sobre Flynn en la trama rusa. Cómo aprender una lengua y contribuir a la sociedad.