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SEO Audit Checklist - A Step-by-Step Guide in 17 Stages. An SEO audit is an essential starting point for any new activity around a website, where the aim of that activity is to improve organic search performance. Some people say that SEO is to marketing what accountancy is to finance, in terms of the level of “dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s” required. Nowhere is this more true than it is at the audit stage, where it is imperative to ensure that no stone is left unturned. Missing even relatively minor technical or on-page issues with a website could result in the client being left at a competitive disadvantage. I have created the following SEO audit checklist to help you avoid this scenario. I have assumed that some readers might have limited SEO knowledge, so I have written this for beginners but also with more advanced SEOs in mind too.

Contents of this post With this post my aim is to provide a definitive list of audit check points for 17 key stages of analysis. 1. Is Google Analytics installed correctly? Recommended tools Further reading. SEO Marketing Hub. Backlink Checker - A Free tool to check backlink. Backlinks are links on other websites, pointing to your website. It's also referred to as inbound links or incoming links. Typically, the more backlinks a website has, the better the website will perform on search engine results pages.

Also, the higher the quality of your backlinks, the higher your chances of ranking higher. How? So when building backlinks, don't focus only on the quantity of links. If your site has lots of low-quality backlinks or spammy links, your SERPs rankings will suffer. That's why you need to use a backlink checker tool to monitor and check your site's backlinks and their value. Need help with other SEO tools? Other languages: English, русский, 日本語, italiano, français, Português, Español, Deutsche, 中文. Maillage interne, une méthode et quelques règles. Voici une méthode et quelques règles pratiques pour réussir votre maillage interne. Je vais vous montrer ce qu'il vous faut faire, et ce, que vous ayez recours, ou non, à des métamots.

Je pars du principe que vous savez qu'un maillage interne peut être très bénéfique à votre SEO. Cela est vrai d'autant plus qu'il est bien conçu et bien réalisé.En préalable, je vous propose déjà de nous mettre d'accord sur ce qui est inclus ou pas, sous l'appellation "maillage interne" dans cette chronique. Les liens qui sont dans le rédactionnel des pages, donc dans la partie éditoriale, font partie du maillage interne.Sont exclus du champ du maillage interne les liens des menus, footer, sidebar et même les fils d'Ariane… Quelques énoncés simples pour commencer Si 2 liens identiques ou plus partent d'une page A vers une page B, seul le premier lien sera, a priori, valorisé… Il faut donc se méfier des menus et autres "zones de liens" systématiques.

La méthode de maillage interne. How to Do a Content Audit [Updated for 2017] Les 9 problèmes les + fréquents sur les sites dont le SEO baisse. Dernière actualisation : 20/12/2019 Je suis en contact avec pas mal de personnes dans le SEO et j’ai accès à pas mal de sites, ce qui me permet de faire un certain nombre d’analyses. En permanence, j’évalue « l’état de santé référencement » de ces sites, que leur trafic organique progresse ou décline… Dans ce dossier, je vais vous « révéler » les problèmes les plus fréquemment observés parmi tous les sites étudiés dont le référencement a chuté.

L’idée est la suivante… Mon conseil est très simple : Si votre site est concerné par au moins 1 des problèmes ci-dessous, corrigez-le (les) complètement dès que possible. D’une part car la prise en compte par Google n’est pas immédiate et d’autre part car l’algo a besoin de constater une amélioration significative sur l’ensemble du site (pour vous faire remonter). Pour chacun de ces sites : il a été étudié avec la méthode que j’ai appelée Pages Zombies SEO (par moi directement ou son responsable SEO) . #1 Manque de contenu dans la zone principale.

La casa de SEO : les questions à se poser pour le casse SEO parfait. Aucune remarque pour cette diapositive {*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:</li>*}{*style:<li>*}Referent technique on venait me poser beaucoup de questions.

C’est avec l’echange qu’on apprend. Une autre approche qui ouvre des portes parfois {*style:<br>*} Celui qui pose une question risque de passer pour un sot. {*style:<br>*}Celui qui n'en pose pas est sûr de le rester. {*style:<br>*}Une bonne question rend la réponse difficile. Link Building Tactics (Complete List) - Point Blank SEO. Remember how people say, "it's not about what you know, it's about who you know"? The same goes for the Web. Those relationships will turn into links, both in the short-term & the long-term.

Just like with getting people to see you content, I realized a lot of the tactical ways to build relationships aren’t direct ways to get links, I decided to delete that section in this guide, and list all of them here instead. So here they are. Random acts of kindness - Whenever you can, be nice to people. Give a crap - Actually care about people. Participate - If someone is conducting a survey or testing something, get involved and participate. Local meetups - Whether you find one or start one, meetups are a fantastic way to get to know people close by. User group meetings - A great way to get to know people who think like you is by finding those who use the same products or services like you. Conferences - Seriously, go to them. Call them - Yep, I said it.

SEO in 2018: The Definitive Guide. Last year I decided to make Featured Snippets a priority for us. And it helped us go from a handful of Featured Snippets rankings to over 190. Here’s the step-by-step process that I used. 1. Find Featured Snippet opportunities Your first step is to find: Keywords that you already rank for. Why is it important to focus on keywords that you rank for already? 99.58% of all Featured Snippets are from pages that rank on the first page for that term. So if you don’t already rank in the top 10, you have zero chance of ranking in the Featured Snippet spot. How do you find Featured Snippet Opportunities?

Ahrefs “Organic Keywords” report. It shows you keywords that you rank for… that also have a Featured Snippet: 3,117 keywords? 2. “Snippet Bait” is a 40-60 word block of content specifically designed to rank in the Featured Snippet spot. Why 40-60 words? Well, SEMrush analyzed nearly 7 million Featured Snippets. For example: I wrote short Snippet Bait definitions for every page of The SEO Marketing Hub. 3.


Comment obtenir des backlinks de qualité ? 24 techniques efficaces ! Haaaa les backlinks, le saint Graal du référencement ! Même si les algorithmes de Google évoluent en permanence, l'importance des backlinks n'a pas changé, cela reste le critère N°1 pour améliorer son positionnement (la preuve). Par contre ce qui a changé, c'est la manière de les obtenir. Vous êtes prêt pour un voyage au pays des liens ? Laissez-moi devinez.... Vous mettez toutes vos tripes pour écrire des articles d'une qualité irréprochable ?

Pas de panique ! Le temps des backlinks faciles et efficaces est révolu. Vous l'aurez compris, obtenir des liens, cela ne va pas se faire tout seul et va vous demander des jours de travail acharnés pour chacun de vos articles. La bonne nouvelle ? Et lorsque après des mois et des mois d'efforts vous arriverez enfin à obtenir les bonnes grâces du Dieu Google, toute votre frustration accumulée au fil des mois pourra faire place à un grand sourire bien mérité ! Heu, au fait, c'est quoi un bon backlink ? Partons sur de bonnes bases.

Agence SEO

A Complete Local SEO Checklist. Local SEO has a lot in common with traditional SEO. However, in some ways, it’s completely different. One of the major differences between local SEO and “regular” SEO is how you target customers. For example, when doing local SEO you must always keep geography in mind when targeting your keywords. This is because proximity to searcher is a key local search ranking factor. If your business doesn’t show up when someone in your location performs a search, that’s a huge missed opportunity. One of your competitors is taking customers – and money – out of your pocket. Luckily, local SEO can fix that for you. Ready to start winning more local customers?

Here’s a complete local SEO checklist to help you. Local SEO: Optimizing Your Website Define your location strategy. Local SEO: Content High-quality content attract links. Links and content are the two most important Google ranking factors. Content for Multiple Businesses Local SEO: Citations Add manual or automatic citations. Local SEO: The Real World. Local SEO: The Ultimate Guide To Ranking Your Local Business. Advice Given to an Aspiring 14 Year-Old Entrepreneur Wanting to Learn SEO. The Noob Friendly Guide To Link Building. What is link building? Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to pages on your website.

Its purpose is to boost the “authority” of your pages in the eyes of Google so that these pages rank higher and bring more search traffic. Why is link building important? According to Google’s Andrey Lipattsev, links are one of the three major ranking factors in Google. So if you want your website’s pages to rank high in search, you will almost certainly need links.

Google and other search engines look at links from other sites as “votes.” Thus, as a general rule, pages with more backlinks tend to rank higher in search results. Links aren’t the answer to everything Links are incredibly important for ranking well. So if you build lots of links to your page and it still ranks poorly, look into other ranking factors that might prevent you from ranking well. Conceptually, most link building tactics and strategies fall into one of the following four buckets: 1. Sidenote. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. Étude SEO : le référencement sur Google en 2016. Local SEO Ranking Factors Study 2016. 200+ Actionable SEO Tips In One ‘Noob Friendly’ Guide. Looking for a collection of no-nonsense SEO tips, that you can easily implement to boost your site’s search engine rankings? Then look no further. We’ve created a list of over 200 SEO tips and best practices and split them into logical sections to cover various aspects of search engine optimisation — from on-page factors, to keyword research, user experience, link building and more.

For most tips you will also find a link to further reading; including official Google guidelines where relevant and a hand picked selection of some of the very best SEO guides on the web. To jump to a specific section, use the quick links on the left, otherwise, let’s get started! 1. Don’t Write Another Blog Post Until You’ve Conducted THOROUGH Keyword Research Keyword research should be the starting point for any SEO or content marketing campaign. Without researching which keywords people are actually searching for in your niche, you’ll be relying on luck, rather than data to guide your decisions. 2. 3. Sidenote. The Elementary Digital Complete SEO Audit - Part One.

When you’ve had a website for a while, you will probably be constantly tinkering with it to keep the SEO up to date. Every now and then you should consider doing a full SEO audit to ensure that everything is in order. This is the first of our three part guide to a thorough, top-to-bottom SEO audit for any site. Part One: Technical SEO Here’s a complete checklist of everything you’ll need to look at. It’s a lot, so prepare yourself! Make sure that you have a cup of coffee, or four, to hand. Check indexed pages Start with a site: search. Look at how many pages are returned.

The top result should be the home page – if not, it could be because of a penalty you haven’t found yet or an issue with the site’s internal linking. How many landing pages are in Google Analytics? Tally this with the site: search. Search for your brand Are pertinent pages appearing in search results? Google cache results Can you see the content? Mobile search Is your site showing up as mobile friendly? Title tags Content vs. Le vocabulaire pour comprendre le SEO. Termes techniques, acronymes...

Pour comprendre le référencement, ses acteurs et son jargon, voici la définition des termes clés aujourd'hui utilisés dans le SEO. Ancre. L'ancre d'un lien est le texte du lien sur lequel on peut cliquer. Annuaire. Authorship / Author Rank. Backlink (parfois surnommé "BL" ou traduit en "lien entrant"). Balises. Black Hat SEO (parfois réduit à Black Hat voire à "BH"). Blast. Cloaking. CP. Crawl. CTR. EMD. HN et H1, H2.... Liens nofollow. Linkbuilding. : Anglicisme signifiant la "construction de liens", et évoquant le travail consistant à obtenir de bons backlinks et donc à "bâtir" son netlinking...

Matt Cutts est l'ingénieur qui dirige "la webspam team", l'équipe en charge de la lutte contre le webspam chez Google, en Californie. Méta description. MFA. Negative SEO. Netlinking. "Not provided". PageRank. Panda est sans doute le filtre le plus connu de Google, qui le déploie régulièrement pour nettoyer ses résultats et les débarrasser de certains spams. SEA.


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