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Connaissez-vous les flashpackers? Le terme circule depuis déjà quelques années, les intervenants touristiques s’y intéressent et développent des produits pour les attirer, les flashpackers font parler d’eux!

Connaissez-vous les flashpackers?

Nouvelle mouture de backpackers, qui sont ces voyageurs avec sac à dos? Et comment l’offre s’adapte-t-elle? Voici un aperçu de ce marché appelé à prendre de l’importance et quelques exemples de lieux d’hébergement originaux qui s’adressent à cette clientèle. Les flash quoi? La clientèle des <em>flashpackers</em> 01-4977542-une-sabbatique-pendant-les-etudes. C'est essentiellement le message qu'envoie l'Américain Jeffrey Selingo dans un tout nouveau livre qui fait beaucoup parler de l'autre côté de la frontière.


Dans There is a Life After College, le journaliste souhaite guider les jeunes (et leurs parents) dans le parcours qui les mènera sur le marché de l'emploi. Il consacre notamment tout un chapitre à l'importance pour certains étudiants de prendre une période sabbatique, ou un gap year, en anglais. 6 Reasons Why Traveling Abroad is Important for Young People - Greenheart Travel.

In high school and college it is likely that you will receive some kind of encouragement to travel, study or work abroad.

6 Reasons Why Traveling Abroad is Important for Young People - Greenheart Travel

It may seem like you have a lot going on so you don’t seriously consider these opportunities or maybe you write them off since you plan on traveling later in life. I would encourage traveling at any age, but the earlier you can learn the lessons travel teaches the better. When you are young you are still finding yourself and preparing for your school and career.

The skills and experience you gain from traveling abroad can give you life-long personal benefits as well as a leg up in the professional world. In high school and college you have the luxury of having flexibility since you can study anywhere in the world and have relatively long study breaks. Ces raisons pour lesquelles les jeunes aiment partir en voyage. Why Millennials Are The Most Important Consumer Generation For The Travel Industry. What’s more important to millennials than escaping from their student loans, buying a big-ticket item, or even improving relationships with their family and friends?

Why Millennials Are The Most Important Consumer Generation For The Travel Industry

If you guessed travel, you’d be correct. The millennial generation is known for placing a high emphasis on being unique, and a major part of that is growing their identity through culturally rich experiences and exploration of the unknown — both of which travel provides in full. How Millennials Are Changing Travel. Travel creates time to reflect on these priorities and decide how our career choices can accommodate them.

How Millennials Are Changing Travel

We understand that bumming around in our twenties for too long is irresponsible, but we also find it irrational to work unfulfilling jobs only to feel legitimate. And if we have the financial resources to pause, travel, and reassess, then why not take advantage of that privilege? But while long-term travel and gap years have been popular for years in countries such as Australia and the United Kingdom, the idea is still relatively new in the United States—and not yet widely accepted.

“If you were to ask older people.