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How To Make Homemade Yogurt. Why should you bother making yogurt at home?

How To Make Homemade Yogurt

Well, homemade yogurt is ridiculously good, ridiculously cheap, and not very complicated to make. Basically, you: heat up milkcool it downadd a cup of prepared yogurtpour it into jarslet the jars sit in a cooler with warm water for several hours. It’s not at all fancy. The first time I made yogurt, I thought it was a total pain-in-the-rear and I was SO never doing it again. Cheesecake Filled Chocolate Easter Eggs Recipe - - 477328.


Honey Wheat Bread I Recipe. {Recipes} Homemade Summer Popsicles & Free Printables! It’s summer time and what better way to cool off than with homemade popsicles!

{Recipes} Homemade Summer Popsicles & Free Printables!

These are my two favorite popsicle recipes and have never been able to pick which one I liked better, the strawberry coconut or the honeydew lime, so I decided to share them both with you! Need a reason to make these popsicles?