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2014jun.pdf. Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy. Welcome to the interactive online home of Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy: Creating Strategic Collaborations for a Changing Academic Environment, a white paper published by the Association of College & Research Libraries. Written by a working group of leaders from many parts of the association, this white paper explores and articulates three intersections between scholarly communication and information literacy.

The paper also provides strategies for librarians from different backgrounds to initiate collaborations within their own campus environments between information literacy and scholarly communication. Use the chapter numbers at the top of this page, or the drop-down Chapters menu, to navigate the white paper. Previous Chapter and Next Chapter arrows are also available once you get started. Intersections is also available as a downloadable PDF from the ACRL website. Libraries, Power, and Learning: A Personal History of Paradigm - Libraries-and-learning.pdf. Scholarly Communication. Scholarly communication can be defined as “the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use.

The system includes both formal means of communication, such as publication in peer-reviewed journals, and informal channels, such as electronic listservs.” In an environment that is increasingly global, the ARL Scholarly Communication program encourages the advancement of effective, extensible, sustainable, and economically viable models of scholarly communication that provide barrier-free access to quality information. ARL also encourages initiatives for new modes of scholarship that demonstrate promise for the future. The program currently has the following components: Below are links to information and resources on key topics in scholarly communication. Subject Guides. Subject guides are lists of resources created by librarians to assist students with their research needs.

These list of resources may include topics including but not limited to books, journals, databases, websites, as well as any other topics the librarian feels would assist students with their research. LibGuidesare a type of subject guide used by libraries across the world. A LibGuide is a content management and publishing system created by SpringShare. Libraries may use LibGuides to create subject guides, course guides, information portals, or research help pages to name a few. An important aspect of LibGuides that may interest librarians is the statistical features of LibGuides. El Dorado Center Library's Internet Subject Directories, Canadian Studies Research Guide. This is a student's guide to selected resources for the study of Canadian culture, society, economics, and political science.

Who are the intended users? Consider the subject area. Scholars' Lab. Asking for it. A report published this week by OCLC Research asks the burning question of no one, no where: “Does every research library need a digital humanities center?” The answer, of course, is of course not. Of course, I’m being rude. The click-bait question, as posed, had a foregone conclusion — but there’s much to recommend in the report, even if it fails to define a “DH center” in any clear way, makes an unwarranted assumption that “DH academics” and librarians exist in mutually-exclusive categories, and bases too much of its understanding of faculty and researcher perceptions on the inadequate sample of some conference-going and a couple of focus groups (however carefully convened and accurately reported). every center must evolve — evolve, or die. Okay, the chief value of the report is in its clear reinforcement of the notion that a one-size-fits-all approach to digital scholarship support never fits all.

How is that good for the humanities, digital or otherwise? No good deed goes un-punished.