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Productivity/Time Management. Revision. Job Boards. Customer service. Career options with your degree. Careers sectors. Graduate employment options. The application process (employment) Developing your professional self. Part-time jobs. Internships, placements and volunteering. C Source. Skills. Questions that Facilitate Company Research. How to Research a Company for a Job Interview. You may have heard the advice that it’s important to have some questions for the hiring manager when you’re interviewing for a job.

How to Research a Company for a Job Interview

It’s true that interviewers will expect you to be curious and interested in their organization, and they'll expect to show that by asking questions, but it’s also true that you should come to the interview with a good baseline of knowledge about the company. Hopefully, you’ll learn a lot about the company during the interview—like whether the organization and the company culture are a good fit for you, for example. But during the interview is not the time to learn basic information about the company. Interview Prep: Research These Questions. Job candidates often fail to do their homework about the company they're trying to get to hire them.

Interview Prep: Research These Questions

The more you know about your potential employer, and the industry in which it competes, the better your chances of creating a positive perception with your interviewer. Here are some questions you should feel comfortable discussing before you walk into your interview. What are the industry trends? Is it a growth industry or in decline? Timetable templates for Microsoft Word - free and printable. A wide variety of multipurpose weekly timetables in Microsoft Word format to use as school timetables for kids, students and teachers, class and lesson schedules, or workshop and event planners.

Timetable templates for Microsoft Word - free and printable

These blank templates are fully customisable, editable and printable, and using them is easy – simply download, fill in your details, save and print. If your needs change, it's no problem to amend and edit the saved timetable and then print out again. Great for school, college, university, work, business and academic use, or for school and work trips, conferences, training courses, day schools and all kinds of events, activities and applications. They are also a useful time management tool, be it for daily tasks, chores and appointments, as a work or hobby schedule, lesson plan template, for family commitments and time with the kids, or simply for keeping track of your goals (for more detailed daily time planning tools see also our weekly calendars/planners).

How To Write A Cover Letter. The 45 Questions You Should Ask In Every Job Interview. It was the middle of July 2008, and I had just bought an expensive power suit for a job interview.

The 45 Questions You Should Ask In Every Job Interview

After being laid off during the height of the recession and unemployed for about six weeks, I was feeling desperate and willing to spend money on anything that might put my career on track. Surprisingly, the train was running on time that day, which gave me the opportunity to take my new jacket off, sit back, and prepare for this meeting one last time. At my stop, I realised I was so intently focused that I didn’t notice a robbery happening right under my nose. The jacket was gone. What Do All Entrepreneurs Have In Common? A Sense Of Purpose. What drives entrepreneurs to take the risks of starting new businesses?

What Do All Entrepreneurs Have In Common? A Sense Of Purpose

Motivations vary. However, money is rarely, if ever, the primary incentive. The ambitions and inspirations that compel the most successful ones come from an intense sense of purpose. A look back at the history of some of the world's most iconic companies and the people who founded them illustrates the point: The Cover Letter Template That You Can Customize. “Thanks for helping me customize my resume,” my friend said cheerily.

The Cover Letter Template That You Can Customize

“Now I just have to find the cover letter I used for my last job application and spruce it up a little.” “Nooooooo!” I said. “There’s no point in taking all that time to tailor your resume to each application if you’re going to use a fill-in-the-blank cover letter.” How much will the closure of bank branches affect customers? Pestleanalysis. Looking to use a PESTLE analysis effectively?


It’s actually simpler than it seems; you only need a PESTLE analysis template to get you started. However, you first need to have a full understanding of what PESTLE is and the reasons why companies use it. What is PESTLE analysis? PESTLE analysis is a study of six macro-environmental factors. These factors affect businesses and industries worldwide.


Reflective writing. Academic. Job hunting process. Spag. Exercise. DRIVING.